Felicia Read online

Page 14

  “I see that you put rings on her down here as well,” a man called out from somewhere behind Felicia. A moment later, she felt someone tugging at her labial rings, just hard enough to really discomfort her, but not enough to seriously hurt. Now she began to squirm and complain. The only thing she hated worse than those fucking rings was somebody playing with them. But the chains held her fast, and the ball gag fit her mouth so tightly that all she could do was make muffled, unintelligible complaints. The groping went on.

  “These are truly spectacular legs,” she heard one of the men say. At the same time, she felt hands running up and down her leg, starting at her ankle and going way up her thigh, then back down again. “Here, just feel these calf muscles.”

  “You’re right. She’s in great shape.”

  “And these are magnificent tits,” another man said as he pressed hard up against Felicia from behind and reached around to play with her breasts. “The rings are an elegant touch.”

  Felicia tried to hold still and endure it, but the hands were everywhere and after a while fingers were everywhere too, including inside of her. Felicia yowled, or tried to, and kicked, or tried to. None of it did her any good. The men and women tormenting her simply laughed and went right on with what they were doing. And they kept at it until their various curiosities were satisfied.

  “Is there any chance of seeing her face?” one of the women asked.

  “Is that really so important?” the sheik countered. “In any case, for now it pleases me to keep her face concealed while her body is naked and on display.”

  “And a most impressive display it is,” one of the men commented. Someone was running a hand over her ass. Felicia assumed that it was the man who had just spoken. “Where did you find such an absolutely stunning white slave?”

  “I was most fortunate,” the sheik replied. He said nothing more, and no one asked any more questions on the matter. Felicia felt angry, violated and frustrated. All of them were speaking English. If she had been able to speak, she would have told them who she was and how she had come here, in the desperate hope that one of them might be able to do something about it… assuming that any of them cared to. She struggled wildly with her chains for a moment, mumbling angrily behind the ball gag.

  “Well, we truly do appreciate you showing her off to us like this,” one of the men said. “A rare and beautiful specimen she is. And quite young, from the looks of her. What is she, about twenty? Twenty-one?”

  “I am pleased that you find her so attractive,” the sheik said, ignoring the question. “But I had more than pride in my ownership of her in mind when I had her displayed like this.”

  “Really?” one of the women commented. It was a very drawn-out, upper-class-British-sounding ‘realllly’.

  “Yes, indeed,” the sheik said. “I said that she was trained, but not broken to the saddle. Recently she misbehaved rather badly, and she needs to be punished for that. I thought that you might enjoy participating in her chastisement.”

  “Oh, jolly good!” one of the men exclaimed. Felicia wailed. She remembered all too clearly, and all too painfully, what had been done to her the last time she had been strung up like this before an audience. She knew what she was about to be ‘chastised’ for as well. It was for trying to bite Anulka. She had thought that after being given to Abou for the night that particular episode had been forgotten. Clearly, it hadn’t. Even as those groping hands roamed all over her body she looked around for any sign of Selim and his whip. There was none. She didn’t know whether to feel relieved or worried about that. He could be right behind her somewhere, and she’d never know it. She was already bracing herself for the first kiss of a whip.

  “Might we do other things to her as well?” a man asked from behind her.

  “Of course!” Ismail replied. “She has been well conditioned. I can assure you that she is equally tight in front and behind.”

  Felicia sobbed. It was bad enough to be used as a sex toy. Being used that way in front of a crowd was… well, it was far, far worse. The humiliation she felt when a man used her body was mitigated a little when it was private. In public it was almost unendurable.

  The sheiks other slaves began bringing things over to the people surrounding her. Felicia saw leather straps, wooden paddles, and a nasty-looking dildo with what looked like warts running up and down the shaft. There were other things too. She saw them being handed out, but couldn’t get a good look at any of them. Those things were somehow more frightening than the things she had gotten a good look at.

  “I say, this simply won’t do,” one of the women spoke up. “If we all crowd around her like this, none of us will get to fully enjoy her.”

  “What do you propose then, Miss Nolan?” a man asked. His voice had more than a hint of a German accent, and it set Felicia’s nerves on edge. She’d heard stories about Germans.

  “I’d say,” the woman began as she stepped in front of Felicia. She was a small woman, dark-haired with dark eyes that glittered evilly as she looked Felicia up and down. Felicia guessed that she was somewhere in her forties, and very high-maintenance.

  “I’d say,” Miss Nolan continued as she reached up to tweak one of Felicia’s nipple rings, “that there’s plenty of this white bitch to go around, so we take turns at her until we’re all satisfied.”

  “And what do the rest of us do in the meantime?” another man inquired.

  “Why, you can stay and watch, if you like,” Miss Nolan replied without looking at him. “We’re all old friends here, and I think this slut will provide simply oodles of entertainment.”

  Felicia stared into the woman’s eyes. What she saw there chilled her soul. She let her head fall back and wailed hopelessly around the ball gag.

  “See? She can hardly wait,” Miss Nolan snickered. “Simon, do be a good boy and stay with me while all you good people take seats and get comfortable, would you?”

  Felicia kept looking up at the ceiling. Being able to see what was coming would only scare her all the more. She would be hurt, she was sure. Miss Nolan would see to that. She heard the other guests go back to their chairs. Hard male hands began squeezing her ass. She had to assume that that was Simon, being a good boy but taking the opportunity to play with her body a little.

  “Now, my dear,” the woman said after a moment. “You have one of the most beautiful young bodies I’ve ever seen. I assume you like sex? With men?”

  Wearily, Felicia raised her head and nodded.

  “Why doesn’t she speak?” Miss Nolan demanded.

  “She is tightly gagged,” the sheik called out from his chair. Felicia saw that he had Neha curled up in his lap. He was watching the show, but his hand was roaming freely over Neha’s dusky skin.

  “Ah,” Miss Nolan nodded, still looking up at Felicia’s face, still swathed in the light gray headdress. “Well, I suppose that she can’t bite her tongue then, so it’s all to the good. Simon, you may begin.”

  Something wide and flat and hard smacked lightly against Felicia’s ass. It didn’t sting particularly, but as apprehensive and tensed-up as Felicia was it made her jerk and squeal anyway.

  “Oh, quite promising!” Miss Nolan exclaimed. A moment later Felicia felt the other woman’s hand groping between her legs.

  “I like where you put these rings,” Miss Nolan called back to the sheik. “Does she wear them all of the time?”

  “Only for special occasions,” the sheik replied with a chuckle.

  “Well, then,” Miss Nolan smiled warmly up at Felicia. “Let’s see how special we can make the evening, shall we? Simon, again, if you would. A bit harder this time.”

  The smack on her ass was hard enough to sting. Felicia jerked and grunted, distracted by what Miss Nolan’s fingers were doing at and in her pussy.

  “She doesn’t seem to enjoy what you’re doing particularly,” the woman commented.

  ”Well, no matter. Fire at will, dear Simon. I’ll hold up my end.” She moved off to one side. Before she c
ame back, Simon had delivered several irregularly timed blows to Felicia’s ass. Each one made her jerk and grunt.

  “Lovely round ass,” Felicia heard Simon comment. “I’m sure if she’d just relax it a bit it would jiggle nicely.” He struck her with the paddle again, very lightly.

  “We’ll see, dear,” Miss Nolan replied as she moved back in front of Felicia. “Now hold off for a moment while I get her in the mood.”

  Something round and hard was pressed up between Felicia’s pussy lips. Felicia heard a click and suddenly the round, hard thing was vibrating. She bit down hard on the ball gag and tried not to move. Reacting to pain was one thing. Reacting to enforced pleasure, in front of an audience, was another thing entirely. She didn’t want to give the people watching the satisfaction.

  But it was a futile attempt right from the start. As long as she might be able to hold out, she couldn’t go anywhere or even change position. Miss Nolan, on the other hand, had all the time in the world, a great deal of patience, and some formidable skills. Early on, she applied the head of the vibrator to Felicia’s labial rings. The effect was almost painful to Felicia, but there was nothing she could do about it. And just when she didn’t think she could stand it for another second, Miss Nolan shifted the vibrator upwards, forcing it deeper into Felicia’s pussy and up against her clit.

  Felicia shrieked. Her body arched tautly, straining against the chains that held her. She shook violently. “Oh, my!” she heard a man exclaim. “Look how those luscious big tits jiggle!” If she had been able, she would have snarled at him, but then Simon began spanking her with the paddle again. The blows were not very hard, but they were terribly distracting. Felicia made one more effort to get herself under control, almost immediately realized the utter uselessness of that effort, and finally gave up just as the vibrating friction against her clit became too much. She jerked again, convulsively, once, twice, three times, squealing loudly as she came. Miss Nolan held the vibrator in place for a moment longer, closely watching Felicia’s feeble tremblings and listening to her muffled whimpers. Then she switched off the vibrator and removed it. Felicia sagged in her chains, groaning.

  “Well, that was quite a performance,” Miss Nolan said. “I would dearly love to have this girl for a week or so just to put her through her paces. Simon, you can stop paddling her now. I know how much you love a good spanking, but she needs a little time to recover so that she can properly appreciate your work.”

  Felicia sobbed. When Miss Nolan thrust two fingers up into her, she barely had the strength to whine in irritation.

  “My, she’s quite wet,” the woman observed. She removed her fingers and wiped them off across Felicia’s belly before turning to the audience. “I’m sure that any of you men would find her quite ready for you now.”

  There was a brief, huddled discussion between the men, and then one of them stepped forward.

  “I claim the fair maiden by right of my rank,” he said.

  “Oh, dear, Gerald,” Miss Nolan sighed. “Are you really going there again? We all know that your grandfather bought that title.”

  Gerald ignored her and came striding over to Felicia. She was still too drained from her forced orgasm to respond when he began squeezing her breasts.

  “Can’t we see her face?” Gerald asked. “I’d like to see her face. I’d like to look into the bitch’s eyes while I’m fucking her and see how much she hates it.”

  “Content yourself with what you have, my friend,” the sheik answered. Gerald shrugged and began sliding his hands slowly up and down Felicia’s flanks.

  “I suppose I can bear it,” he said. Felicia heard the sound of a belt being unbuckled, then of a zipper being unzipped. Gerald’s hands settled on her hips. She felt him pull her towards him. She didn’t even try to fight. He fumbled around a bit and then she felt his cock sliding up into her, rubbing against the rings down there. He pushed his cock all the way in and then just held her tightly.

  “Simon,” he called out.

  “Yes?” The voice came from behind Felicia, so it had to be Simon.

  “Give her fanny a little love tap, would you?”

  Felicia tilted her head back and looked up at the ceiling. Gerald’s face was close enough so that he might have been able to see her eyes through the gauze, and she didn’t want to give him the satisfaction. Then Simon struck. His ‘love tap’ struck with a painfully audible ‘smack!’ Felicia jerked, but didn’t cry out.

  “Again, Simon, if you please,” Gerald asked. He tightened his grip on Felicia’s waist.

  Simon’s next blow was on her other cheek, and it stung terribly. Felicia jerked again. This time she couldn’t help grunting in pain.

  “Ooooh, lovely!” Gerald exclaimed. “Every time you do that her pussy just clamps itself around my cock. Keep going, my good man, while I royally fuck this bitch.”

  Now Felicia made no attempt to keep still or quiet. Instead, she did everything she could to break Gerald’s rhythm and give him as little pleasure in fucking her as possible. She managed to annoy him enough for him to call for Simon to ‘really lay it on’. She couldn’t keep him from coming, though. Once he had emptied himself into her he stepped back and slapped her breasts hard before zipping up and stalking away.

  “Can we possibly change her position?” Felicia heard a man ask.

  “What did you have in mind, my friend?” the sheik asked.

  “I’d like to keep those long legs spread just as they are, but bend her over something, if possible,” the man replied.

  “I believe something can be arranged. It will take a few minutes, but it appears that she needs a little time to recover anyway. I did mention that she is conditioned. Her ass is quite available,” the sheik said.

  “Yes, I know, but I don’t much fancy screwing a bird who’s standing up. I like ‘em bent over and spread wide.”

  “We can accommodate you,” Ismail assured him. “I will have my slaves bring you all drinks while we wait.”

  “Do you suppose…” the voice was Miss Nolan’s. ”Do you suppose that when we have her bent over I might whip those absolutely fabulous tits for a bit?”

  “But of course!” the sheik’s reply was immediate. “But I would suggest that we remove her nipple rings first. You may do that now, if you like.”

  “Oh, thank you, sheik Ismail!”

  Felicia heard all this and tried to work up the energy to fight. She couldn’t. They would bend her over, as they wished, and fuck her up her ass, as they wished, and whip her tits, as they wished. There was nothing at all that she could do about it other than submit and hope that it didn’t hurt too much.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Ismail leaned back comfortably in his seat at the head of the long, wide table and regarded his guests. They were all clad so impeccably, and all had such exquisite manners that one could hardly believe that only last night they had been reduced to gang-raping and torturing his prized blonde slave girl. But that was often the way with people who had become too soft and comfortable. People always had darker impulses. In easy times, the rich ones found ample opportunities to sate those impulses. Now, they all sat at his table, ate his food and drank the wine that he provided for them. He could hear them discussing parties, horse racing, yachts, villas and acquaintances as if they were at home, and safe beyond any possible harm. It pleased him to make parts of his rambling estate resemble European homes he had visited, and it also pleased him to have European guests from time to time. He had thought it would be entertaining to have this group of them here and let them play with his newest slave, and he had been correct.

  His gaze went back to that slave, who served as the centerpiece for the dinner. She did not appear to be at all comfortable, but she had said nothing about it. Nor was she likely to. A bright red ball gag was stuffed into her mouth and buckled tightly in place. A wide, padded leather blindfold concealed almost half of her face. And she was hogtied in a most interesting way. Miss Nolan had studied the art of Japanese shibari
. She had been only too eager to bind the blonde slut for presentation. Ismail had to confess that she had done an excellent job.

  Felicia concentrated on breathing. She had to. The ropes and her position made it difficult, and there really wasn’t anything else that she could do, except listen to the dinner conversation as it flowed around her, and she really didn’t want to do that. Too much of it had her as the subject, and many of the things she heard made her feel shame or nausea or both.

  She was naked, lying on her belly on something hard and metallic. Tough ropes circled her arms and torso tightly just above and just below her breasts, compressing them and making them almost hard. Her wrists were also bound behind her, but not as tightly. She might actually have been able to free them if the other ropes weren’t holding her upper arms so tightly to her body. On top of that, her bound wrists were tethered to the ropes around her body, which kept them up in the small of her back. Her legs were each doubled and bound calf to thigh. She couldn’t see, but she could feel that her ankles were tethered loosely together while something kept her knees spread well apart. The ball gag prevented her from doing anything but making unintelligible noises and the thick leather blindfold kept her from seeing anything at all. Worse yet, there was something very hard and pointy under her chin. She had to keep her head up or it would prick her painfully. At first, that hadn’t been too hard, but as time went on her neck muscles were beginning to ache.

  Adding to her discomfort was the fact that they had left her nipple rings in place. Now, with her breasts, still sore from last night, mashed up against whatever the hard metallic surface was, they were irritating. Her belly ring was not so much of a problem. But her labial rings were still in place, and the way her legs were spread she knew that anyone who cared to could have a look at them.