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- S. J. Lewis
Vacation Page 3
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Page 3
“Get up,” he told her.
She rose warily, facing him.
“Hands on your head,” he ordered. As an ex-cop, she ought to appreciate that. She hesitated at first, nearly glaring at him, then obeyed, chin still up. The pose showed off her breasts to good advantage. 34 B, he judged, but nicely shaped, with the nipples pointing slightly upwards. He walked around her slowly, taking the time to admire her body. She had a cute little rump, still faintly marked from last night, and a couple of cute little dimples in the small of her back. Standing behind her, he ran a hand down her flank, armpit to hip, and felt her shiver.
“Follow me,” he told her. “Keep your hands where they are.”
From the kitchen, Dianne had a brief glimpse of Claudia following Sam down the hallway to the other bedroom. Claudia had her hands on her head. Dianne smiled to herself.
As Sam unlocked the door to the bedroom, Claudia had a brief moment to wonder just what the hell she was doing again. She’d been telling herself that she’d been participating because of Dianne. The fact was, she suddenly realized, that if Sam hadn’t been so damned sure of himself she’d have found some way to back out of it. There was something….compelling……about the way he looked at her, something inevitable in his voice when he gave her that order. She watched him unlock the door and wondered what he had in mind.
He opened the door and ushered her in with a hand in the small of her back. “Kneel,” he said. She knelt, slowly.
Sam grinned. This early in the game it was best to tell them what to do. . If they didn’t do it…well, sometimes you had to go slower and sometimes you just had to give up and move on. If they did do it, you could go on to the next step. He began turning down the bed. It was a queen-sized, plenty of room for games. He stacked the two big pillows at the head of the bed, in the middle. He turned to the woman.
“Get on the bed, Red,” he told her.
She looked as if she were about to say something, then rose and got onto the bed, stretching out luxuriously, like a cat, on her belly. She smiled sleepily up at him through her tousled hair, flexed one long leg.. She was trying to tempt him, trying to get back some control.
“On your back, Red,” he ordered. He held up the coil of rope.
Coyly, she twisted over onto her back, holding out both hands towards him for binding. He took one slim wrist and began wrapping several coils around it. He knotted it snugly, ran off a bit more before cutting it from the coil. He used his lighter to seal the ends so they wouldn’t unravel before taking the free end to tie around the bedframe, up near the headboard. Moving deliberately, he went around to the other side of the bed and repeated the process with her other hand. She didn’t struggle, but he noticed how her breathing altered. Her nipples were swelling and darkening, and she was unconsciously rubbing her thighs together in small, almost furtive motions.
There. She was secure now. He arranged the pillows so that her head was better supported and moved down to the foot of the bed. He looked into her eyes as he reached down to grip her ankles. She started and gave a breathless little yelp when he roughly yanked her legs apart, pulling her down towards the foot of the bed. He was less gentle than before as he finished tying her spread-eagled to the bedframe. There was enough slack so that she could move her arms and legs a little, but not much.
He stood beside the bed and ruffled her hair. “I’ll be right back,” he said.
As she waited- well, what else COULD she do?- Claudia wondered where the others were. Had they taken Dianne somewhere? There was a sudden small knot of doubt in her belly. She was staked out securely, open and defenseless. He was going to fuck her, she was certain of that. It was whatever else he might have in mind that worried her a bit.
Sam entered the kitchen, ruffled Dianne’s already-mussed hair affectionately and gathered up his supplies. He also took an ice-cube tray from the freezer compartment and emptied its contents into a plastic bowl. Before he left, he tilted Dianne’s face up for a quick kiss. Standing, he gave her a wink before carrying everything he wanted into the bedroom. Surprised, she watched him go open-mouthed. She heard the door to Claudia’s bedroom close.
“Now, then, Red.” Sam grinned as he laid things out on the bed between Claudia’s legs, “we’re gonna play.” Claudia raised her head to look at the assortment: Some lengths of black cloth, a red rubber ball, clothespins, twine…and a bowl of ice cubes.
“Hey, now….” she began.
“Hush, Red,” he laid a finger across her lips. “I’m gonna like it, you’ll probably like some of it, and anyway, there ain’t nothin’ you can do about it now, is there?
“I could scream…” she began.
“The way these places are built?” he laughed. “Little Dee out there might hear you, but nobody outside would…and she ain’t in much shape to help you anyways.”
Claudia felt a knot grow in her belly. “What did you do to her?” she demanded.
“Why, she’s just cuffed and tethered to the kitchen table, waitin’ on the others,” he chuckled. “Now, open wide, Red.” He held out the rubber ball. Claudia shut her mouth tightly and turned her head away.
“I said, open wide,” he repeated in a much different tone. Claudia yelped as he pinched a nipple. Hard. Eyes wide and fixed on his face, she opened her mouth. He stuffed the ball in. It was a snug fit, stretching her jaws as he thrust it in behind her teeth, flattening her tongue. As he secured it in place with a strip of cloth knotted behind her neck, he told her: “I’m only gonna take this out for one thing, Red.”
She felt a brief surge of panic as he blindfolded her, but there wasn’t anything she could do about that either. After a brief frantic yanking at her bindings, she subsided. She had a feeling some of this was going to hurt…at least a little. She tried to picture how she looked to him: Naked, spread tautly, her body still bearing some of the marks of last night, gagged, her eyes covered with heavy black cloth.
This was going to be fun. Sam ran a hand slowly up one creamy inner thigh almost to her cute little pussy, and watched her shivering reaction. Then he set to work. He picked an ice cube out of the bowl and held it over her belly until one cold drop fell from it, hitting near her navel. She flinched at the tiny impact, shaking her head ‘no, no’. Grinning, he applied the cube to the soft flesh of her belly and began to run it slowly down towards her pussy. She began writhing and bucking on the bed, making the frame creak as her movements became more violent. Chucking, he removed the cube just as he reached the first curly, coppery hairs. She stopped struggling then, but she was breathing noisily and heavily through her nose, still tensed, waiting for the next touch of the ice. He slowly lowered the cube on to one breast, just below the nipple. She shivered at the contact, tried to draw away from it. He ran the cube slowly, slowly around her areola, listening to the noises she made as he did so. She began to whimper, shaking her head ‘no’ again. He slid the cube, now dripping freely, across her nipple, back and forth, making it swell, darken, harden. Once it had, he moved on to her other nipple, giving it the same slow, patient treatment. She began to struggle again, weakly, as if she realized how hopeless it would be but was unable to keep her body from reacting.
He withdrew the ice cube, put it back in the bowl, and bent over her to take the nipple into his mouth. He sucked at it for a moment, swirling his tongue across it and around it. He felt her shudder faintly and relax. There was a muffled sound of pleasure before he began to bite down on the sensitive nub of flesh, ever so slightly. She shuddered more strongly, tensing up again. He sucked hard, harder, pulling his head back and her nipple with it, still lightly clamped between his teeth. She arched her back desperately as he did so. He released the nipple abruptly, and she settled back, whimpering. Whether she knew it or not, her hips were moving in a slow rotation. He put his hand over her pussy, feeling the hairs tickling at his palm, and slipped a finger slowly between her fleshy outer lips. She was very warm and very slick there already. He slid his finger in a little deeper, and felt her try
to thrust her hips up against his hand. She grunted with the effort. Chuckling so she could hear, he withdrew the finger and held it close to her nose so she could catch her own scent. “Dunno what your mind thinks about this, Red,” he said to her, “but this body of yours seems to like it just fine,” she made a despairing little noise, turning her head away.
He took another ice cube from the bowl and began rubbing it against her soft belly in slow spirals here and there, enjoying the noises she made and her struggling. He moved the cube down, and her struggling became violent again, the noises louder.
Out in the kitchen, Dianne shifted nervously from knee to knee as she listened to the sounds coming from Claudia’s bedroom: she could barely hear Claudia’s voice, but the bed was creaking and banging furiously. What was he doing to her in there? She nibbled at her lower lip, wondering if she was going to come in for the same treatment.
He held the cube in place on her mons so that the cold, cold drops ran down between her legs and between her swollen nether lips. She bucked wildly at that, hips twisting, legs straining at her bonds. When he withdrew the ice, she went abruptly limp, her chest heaving with her noisy, labored breathing. He gave her a minute to recover. When her breathing had slowed a bit, he began to suck at a nipple again, enjoying the rubbery feel of it as he teased it with his tongue. Once she began to make little noises of pleasure, he pulled away and clamped a clothespin onto it. She yelped in surprise and pain, then whimpered as he bent his head to her other nipple, readying it for its own clamp.
She was whimpering now, almost crying. Time for a little change of pace. He slid his hand down between her legs again, hid fingers searching for her clitoris. He began stroking it, experimenting with different speeds pressures and rhythms to see which drew the strongest responses.
Some time later, he had to pause. He pulled off his shirt…it was soaked with his sweat now, and pretty soon he was going to have to use her because it was getting too painful not to.
She writhed and twisted on the bed, fingers groping blindly for the knots she couldn’t reach, back arching, legs spasming and jerking against their ropes, making muffled noises that had long since stopped sounding anything like recognizable words. He’d kept bringing her right up to the edge, each time learning a little more about how far he could go before she could slip right over it. Her voice had an irritated, whining, pleading quality to it, and her head thrashed weakly. Her beautiful skin was covered with a fine sheen of her sweat, and he could smell a faint but distinct musk. Her nipples were dark, swollen, tender, the clothespins removed but each one was now cinched tightly at the base with a length of fine string. He’d really like to see those pierced by little gold rings, but that would have to be her choice. He gave one of her nipple-bindings a little tug, and her struggles and noises grew a bit.
Wrapped inside the blinsdfold, Claudia had long since ceased to have any coherent thoughts. Her whole universe was a wild, reddish haze. Her body was screaming at her for release, but she was helpless. His hands, or the wicked devices they held, stroked, pulled, prodded, pinched, tickled, chilled. She was vaguely aware that she was biting down hard on that damned ball, and that a trickle of saliva was dribbling out of the corner of her mouth.
Sam shucked off his jeans and climbed onto the bed between her legs. No need to check if she was ready. There was a small, but growing, wet spot right there. Some part of her sensed his closeness, and she arched her back, waiting. He felt rock-hard and painful. Moving into position, he lined up and thrust himself into her hard, at once and all the way. She made a strange noise, half-wail, half-growl, and tried to clench around him. He began to pump her.
It had been so long that he was too ready, like an overtired child unable to sleep. He’d meant to use her, quickly and roughly, without giving her release just yet…but it wasn’t going to work out that way. It felt and sounded as if she had one or two of those legendary earth-moving orgasms as she writhed under him before he came himself.
He lay on top of her, letting her take his full weight for a while before he pulled out and rested for a moment, kneeling between her legs. Her body was still twitching a little...aftershocks, he thought with a grin. Her head lay to one side. Her breathing sounded labored, as if she’d just run a long way.
She felt spent, sated. Lightheaded, afloat. Sleepy. How long had he been torturing her so…excitingly? It almost felt like days. Her breath came in pants around the ball in her mouth.
He got off of the bed slowly, feeling a bit dizzy himself. He zipped his pants up, and with a last look at her nude form, still stretched out for him there, went out of the bedroom towards the kitchen. He took the time to lock the door behind him. He needed a breather.
The others were back now, sitting around the table, drinking beer and eating some takeout fast food. Dianne was still there, kneeling tethered to the table leg, but somebody- probably Rom- had removed the handcuffs and instead tied her with twine at the wrists and just above her elbows. Her elbows were touching, and she was blindfolded with what looked like a strip torn from a bedsheet. The elbow bindings forced her to keep her upper torso stiffly upright, shoulders back, a pose , which left her breasts prominently displayed. They were worth displaying, round and firm and sensitive. Now and then, one of the gang would hand-feed her some small scrap of food, which she ate greedily.
Rom looked up from feeding Dianne a bit of lettuce and grinned. “You done?” he asked.
“For the moment.” Sam replied, snagging a beer and a cheeseburger from the table. He ate without much noticing the taste…it was just fuel. “Just giving her a short break.”
The others laughed. He looked down at Dianne. “I think your partner’s gonna thank you for this, Dee,” he said to her. Her answering smile was a bit uncertain. He reached down to cup one soft breast, his thumb rubbing the already-swollen nipple. “Maybe I’ll give you the same experience later, hey?” She licked her lips.” O…okay,” she replied in a small voice.
More laughter. “Not like you got much choice anyway, is there?” Rom nudged her with a booted foot. “’Bout time to haul you off to the playpen anyways.”
Dianne wished she could see Rom’s face, read some reassurance in it. Some of the noises that had come out of Claudia’s bedroom had been…animal. What was that experience Sam was talking about? She was sure that parts of it were deliciously painful. But it seemed that Sam was very interested in Claudia, and she worried a bit about what shape Claudia would be in afterwards. She also worried a bit about herself. She might have set this all up, with Rom’s help, but she realized that she hadn’t thought everything through. These men were apparently going to stay for a while and enjoy their two sex-toys. They’d already been a bit rougher with her than she’d counted on. Rom had been unusually forceful with her when he’d tied her like this. Normally, she liked it when he tied her elbows…it had taken months for her to develop enough flexibility that they could touch….but right now, she felt a little uneasy.
Sam snagged another cheeseburger and wolfed it down, finishing the beer with a last gulp. “Gotta go,” he told the others. “Duty calls.” They all laughed.
Claudia heard somebody enter the bedroom, and involuntarily stiffened. She’d had a little time to get her breath and some small part of her wits back, and she badly wanted to be free to move. She was completely exposed and vulnerable like this. The sheer novelty of it seemed to have worn off, and she was starting to feel trapped.
“Hey, Red,” she heard Sam chuckle, and a hand ran up her body from her knee to her breast, where it paused, squeezing gently. “Round Two.”
She shook he head furiously, trying to say ‘no, no’ through the ball gag. Sam ignored it. Most of the ice had melted, but he fished a piece out of the bowl and used it to draw a wet line from her throat, down between her breasts, down her belly. She gave a startled intake of breath and her hips jerked as she tried to avoid his getting it to where she thought it was going, but he laughed, lifting it up and away just as it reached her pubic
“You want to be let go, don’tcha?” he asked. She responded with a vigorous ‘yes’ head shaking.
“Yeah, but I don’t want to yet.” His voice sounded gloating, and she made an angry noise, jerking at her bonds as if demanding to be freed NOW!!!!
“Relax, Red,” he went on, patting her belly affectionately. “You’ll like this.”
And it began again. Claudia felt all her control over herself slipping away even more easily than before, and moaned despairingly through the gag.
This time, instead of arousing her but deliberately postponing her release, he worked to make her come repeatedly, giving her only enough rest between orgasms to get most, but not all, of her breath back. Soon she couldn’t seem to hold her head up at all. Her responses each time grew weaker and more erratic. It gave him an intoxicating feeling of power and control, to be able to reduce a woman to a hungry, lusting female animal, and so far he’d had very few complaints from his subjects. He always took care to make sure that they enjoyed it…well, at least parts of it…themselves. If afterwards they were willing, or eager, for more, he knew he’d done it all properly. This one was about used up for now. She’d need a LOT of rest. But she should have enough strength left to do one thing.
As her breathing slowed again, he gently ungagged her. There were deep tooth-marks in the rubber ball. She gasped in a deep lungful of air. He held up the bowl that had held the ice….all water now, and helped her to drink. She took several deep gulps, some of the water dribbling down her chin, before he took the bowl away.