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Felicia Page 10

  It soon turned out that posing on all fours on the table, shifting her weight subtly from time to time to ease the pressure on her knees and feeling hands groping her naked body was the easy part of this latest humiliation. The hard part was being so close to so much delicious-smelling food and not being able to help herself to any of it. She felt her stomach growl mildly again and hoped that it hadn’t been loud enough for any of the men to hear. Then it growled again. She knew that they had heard it when they all laughed. She looked towards the sheik nervously, worried that she’d committed some offense, but he wasn’t even looking at her.

  It was increasingly uncomfortable on the table. Felicia’s knees began to hurt, and the damned collar was digging into her neck and chin. But she didn’t dare to try to change her pose. She hadn’t been told to. She could see and hear the men eating. She could also hear them making comments to each other, and she knew that they were talking about her… or, more exactly, her body, because every so often a comment would be accompanied by a squeeze of her thigh or a pat on her ass or fingers brushing against her breasts or flicking the rings through her nipples. She endured it all, wondering how she might induce one of them to give her even a little bit of the dinner. Sometimes, she also wondered what was in store for her next. Whatever it was, she knew she would submit to it. A part of her hated herself for that weakness. But what else could she do?

  The sheik more or less ignored her throughout the rest of the meal. Her discomfort grew along with her hunger, but at least the guests gradually lost interest in touching her. Towards the end of the meal, servants came in bringing coffee for the guests and taking away the dishes. One of them brought a small tray to the sheik, bowed and laid it on the table in front of him. Felicia could see that there were six or eight things on the tray, all about the size of meatballs but composed of rice with brown and red and green bits mixed in. Since the tray was almost right under her nose, she could smell it clearly, and it smelled incredibly delicious.

  “Are you hungry, slut?” the sheik asked her after another servant had poured him a small cup of thick, black, strong-smelling coffee.

  “Yes, master,” Felicia answered promptly. She didn’t add that by now she was thirsty as well. She watched as he picked up one of them delicately between his thumb and forefinger. He held it up to within inches of her face, and her mouth watered. She swallowed.

  “If you say what I tell you to say, I will give you this morsel,” he said to her.

  “Yes, master,” Felicia agreed. The low murmur of table conversation from the guests dwindled into an expectant silence that she could almost feel.

  “Tell my guests that you are an adulteress,” he ordered. “Speak loudly enough for them to hear, or you will receive nothing.”

  “I am an adulteress!” Felicia cried out. She looked hopefully at the rice ball in the sheik’s hand. As he moved it slowly closer, she opened her mouth, half-expecting him to snatch it away at the last minute. Instead, he thrust it, slowly and deliberately, between her lips. She let him take his time and waited until he had taken his hand away and nodded to her. Then she ate it, quickly and ravenously. It was almost too hot and spicier than she had expected, but after so long without a real meal it was delicious beyond her imaginings. She chewed and swallowed.

  “Thank you, master,” she said.

  “Would you care for another?” the sheik asked, a faint smile playing about his lips.

  “Yes, please, master,” Felicia replied quickly.

  He picked up a second rice ball. Felicia eyed it hungrily.

  “Now you must tell my guests that you are a slut,” he said.

  “I am a slut!” Felicia called out. She wasn’t really thinking about what she was being made to do. All she could think of was earning that next savory bite. As before, he pushed it into her mouth. He watched her eat it intently, still smiling. Felicia felt a hand sliding slowly up and down her inner thigh, a touch so light and sensuous that under almost any other circumstances she would have found it arousing. Now, she was able to ignore it.

  “For this one,” the sheik said to her, holding up the third rice ball, “You must tell my guests that you are a whore.”

  Two mouthfuls had done more to sharpen Felicia’s hunger than sate it. Even so, what she had been told to say to earn a third made her hesitate for a fleetingly brief moment.

  “I am a whore!” she wailed, and held her mouth open. She closed her eyes as the sheik thrust it between her lips. It was just like the first two, but somehow it didn’t taste quite as good. Nonetheless, she ate it.

  She could not bring herself to look at the sheik after she had swallowed the last of it. She was still hungry, very hungry, but feeling shamed as well. And the fingers caressing both of her inner thighs, while as soft and insinuating as ever, were now harder to ignore.

  “Are you still hungry, my pretty little slave?” the sheik asked, a hint of a chuckle in his voice.

  “Yes, master,” Felicia answered dully. What would he make her say now?

  “Then here,” he said to her as he pushed another rice ball towards her. “Eat.”

  “Thank you, master,” she said warily as she opened her mouth. This fourth rice ball was more sweet than spicy. In its own way, it was just as delectable as the first three. She chewed and swallowed it carefully, expecting some trick, but none came. She began to feel more at ease, and then remembered that she was naked, on all fours on a table surrounded by men, being fed by hand. Her sense of shame began to creep back. But she had already submitted, and she was still hungry, and what did it matter, anyway? If it was not this, she would be made to perform some other degrading act. At least this way she was getting something into her belly.

  “Do you like it when I put things into your mouth, slave?” the sheik asked.

  Felicia’s mouth worked, but no words came out. “Yes, master,” she managed to say at last.

  “Open your mouth then, slut,” he ordered. She obeyed, and this time he thrust his thumb into her mouth.

  “Suck on it, slut,” he commanded. “Suck on it and I will give you another.”

  Felicia closed her eyes. If it had just been a matter of getting another bite of food, she would have drawn back and refused. But it wasn’t that simple here. If she did that, she would show defiance and embarrass her captor in front of his guests, and the punishment that would come from that would almost certainly have her begging for death long before it was over. And they might even grant her wish, if it suited them. So she sucked, softly and thoroughly, feeling the feather-light touch of those fingers between her legs again, distracting her, but not enough to make her stop.

  “Good slut,” the sheik said as he pulled his thumb out of her mouth. He pressed another sweet rice ball to her lips. She did not dare refuse it any more than she dared refuse his thumb. She chewed and swallowed without enjoyment.

  “Now,” the sheik held up yet another rice ball. “Do you like to be fucked by a man, slut? Answer, and answer fully. A simple ‘yes’ will not be enough.”

  “Yes, master,” Felicia said. “I like to be fucked by a man.”

  “I did not hear you clearly, you bitch,” the sheik said. He was smiling evilly.

  “I like to be fucked by a man, master!” Felicia said. She ate the morsel he put in her mouth, but barely noticed what it tasted like this time. She watched as her captor took up another rice ball.

  “Do you like being fucked in your slutty ass, bitch?”

  “I like being fucked up my slutty ass, master!” Felicia sobbed. She didn’t dare refuse the food he shoved into her mouth, even though she felt nauseous now.

  “And finally,” the sheik’s smile was as insulting as a slap across her face now. “Do you like to suck on a man’s cock, bitch?”

  “Yes, master,” Felicia managed to say. “I like to suck on a man’s cock!”

  “Eat,” he commanded as he shoved the last rice ball between her lips. Felicia ate because she had been ordered to. She wasn’t hungry at all anym

  “My friends,” the sheik asked as Felicia choked down her food. “Do you approve of my new blonde slave?” She heard them all make sounds of approval.

  “Soon she will be fully trained and fit to give pleasure to men,” the sheik said. “When she is, I will invite each of you to come and partake of her charms. I am sure that you will all await my invitation eagerly.”

  Felicia heard them laughing and wanted to vomit.


  The dinner was over, most of the guests had left, or gone to their rooms, or something. Felicia didn’t know, and all she cared about was that for her the debasement went on. She stood naked in a small, well-furnished room that was probably warm enough for men clad in flowing robes, but was just a bit too chilly for her to be comfortable. Standing next to her was the blonde woman she had seen earlier, Anulka, as naked as she was and apparently just as uncomfortable. Both women stood with their legs apart and their hands clasped behind their heads. Sitting in very comfortable chairs facing them were her owner, the sheik, Ismail, and Anulka’s owner, Abou.

  “They are quite different, are they not, sayyid?” Abou asked as he let the blue smoke of his fat cigar drift upwards around his head. “And yet they are both lovely in their own ways.”

  “They are indeed,” Ismail agreed as he eyed Anulka narrowly. “Yours is quite tall and athletic-looking.”

  “Ah, yes,” Abou chuckled. “I first saw her when she was playing volleyball on the beach. She wore the most immodest black bikini bottoms, barely enough to cover her in front and behind, and a very, very tight black t-shirt. She looked very attractive then, but I think she looks even better as she is now.”

  “She looks as if she was built for sports, of one kind or another,” Ismail chuckled. Her breasts are small, no more than a handful each, but nicely shaped.”

  “Ah, yes,” Abou agreed. “But yours… her breasts are as full and round as ripe melons. I would love to hold them in my hands and squeeze them.”

  “You would enjoy that,” Ismail said. “Her skin is like warm silk, and while her teats are very firm, they are also very soft. See how her nipples stand out? I think she enjoys displaying her body to men.”

  “Sluts like those always enjoy displaying their bodies,” Abou commented. “They wear as little as they can get away with, trying to tease and entice men. This way may make them uncomfortable, but it is far more honest. And they are property. They must be reminded of their place and purpose at all times.”

  “Your bitch has very long legs,” Ismail observed. “Are they as strong as they appear?”

  “Oh, yes,” Abou waved his cigar about for emphasis. “Sometimes when I ride her she wraps them around me so that she can pull me in deeper and enjoy my cock in her all the more.”

  “Why do you keep her hair so short?” Ismail asked. “It is attractive, of course, but I wonder.”

  Felicia shot a quick sidewise glance at the other woman. Anulka was three or four inches taller than she was, so she had to look a bit upwards as well. The German girl’s hair was indeed short, and combed straight back. The look wasn’t unattractive, but combined with Anulka’s high cheekbones and steely blue eyes it did make her look more than a little…butch.

  “That is how she wore it when I first saw her,” Abou replied. “I thought at first she did that to make it easier for her to play sports.” He laughed. “She did, but as I later discovered she also kept it short to attract a certain type of female.”

  “Indeed?” Ismail laughed in turn.

  Felicia saw Anulka give her a sidelong glance in return. When she realized that Anulka seemed most interested in her tits, Felicia quickly looked away.

  “Perhaps we should put them together some time,” Ismail continued. “After mine is fully trained, of course. It should be very entertaining.”

  “Ah, does yours enjoy the embraces of other women as well?” Abou asked. Felicia wished that she was somewhere else. Even back in her nasty little cell would be better than being forced to stand here on display and listen to those two men discuss her qualities and possible preferences.

  “I do not think so,” Ismail replied as he eyed Felicia. “However, she has become fond of one of the other women of my harem. I am considering extending her training.”

  “I am sure that it will come as no surprise to you that I greatly desire your long-haired slut,” Abou said. He took another long drag on his cigar.

  “What man would not desire her?” Ismail replied. “When she is fit to properly serve a man, you will be the first I tell of it. I only ask that when you come here, you bring your short-haired slut. I am sure that it comes as no surprise to you that I greatly desire her as well.”

  Abou laughed. “It will be done,” he said. His eyes roamed over Felicia’s body, lingering between her legs. Felicia felt her skin crawling.

  Chapter Eleven

  “This way, this way.”

  Felicia obediently turned and crawled in the direction indicated by the pull on her leash. She was naked, as she always was, and collared, as she almost always was, but the rings through her nipples and navel had been removed for the time being.

  Also as always, she had an audience for her latest performance, but now that audience consisted entirely of the women of the harem, who lounged or sat on comfortable couches as Felicia crawled about on the carpeted floor, feeling more than ever like an animal and too fearful of punishment to do anything but obey. The man holding the end of her leash was Ismail, the sheik, the man she must call ‘master’. He was not even accompanied by the big eunuch, Selim. Apparently he felt completely safe among his female slaves. Felicia felt another tug on her leash and obediently turned in yet another direction, wondering how long she would be made to do this before the sheik decided to get on with whatever he had in mind for today. She had a fairly clear idea what that was. Her master seemed to have certain little rituals that he followed when breaking in and training a new slave girl. He had been the first to fuck her, and afterwards her pussy was available to any man he wished to grant access to it. He had been the first man ever to actually fuck her up her ass, and while no other men had done that to her yet, she was sure that it would happen once she had healed up a little more. In the meantime, that horrible old woman came to Felicia’s cell every day and shoved small, lubricated dildos up her ass. The woman was always accompanied by Selim, so Felicia never even thought of trying to resist. Instead, she meekly submitted to the latest indignity, hoping that each act of abject submission would get her, somehow, one step closer to being taken out of the cell and put into the harem.

  Now… well, now she knew that she would be expected to suck the sheik’s cock, with all of his harem watching. Somehow, knowing that every one of those women had had that same cock in her mouth herself didn’t make the prospect any more appealing. The sheik would almost certainly come in her mouth. She thought she could handle that, even though she’d never experienced it before. He might expect her to swallow, too, and she didn’t think she could manage that at all. But she probably wouldn’t be given a choice.

  The sheik made her crawl back and forth, back and forth, under the watchful eyes of the harem women. Felicia endured it, not daring to make eye contact with any of them. She hadn’t been told to behave that way. She just didn’t want to see how they were looking at her, not even Neha. In a way, it was very strange. She had been displayed naked in front of men so often that she had become accustomed to it. Not that she liked it at all, only that she was now able to bear it. But being displayed naked in front of other women, even if they were nude or nearly nude themselves, made her especially uneasy. She hoped that she’d be able to deal with that feeling when they finally put her in here.

  The sheik suddenly pulled her up short and barked out an order. Felicia immediately got up on her knees and put her arms behind her, arching her back, as she’d been told, and waited. The sheik unclipped the leash from her collar and tossed it aside. Felicia tensed, trying to prepare herself for what had to be
coming. When her master turned and walked away from her she was confused at first. She held her pose. When she saw him sit down, almost reclining, on one of the empty couches, she knew that she was not getting any kind of reprieve.

  “Juba,” the sheik called out and gestured to someone behind Felicia. “Bind her hands.”

  Felicia heard someone come up behind her quickly, then felt thin cords biting into her wrists as she was bound tightly – too tightly. Almost immediately she felt her fingertips going numb. She bit at her lower lip. She knew what was coming. She wasn’t looking forward to it, but she knew. What she didn’t know was the details of how it was going to play out. The sheik smiled at her, like a cat smiling at a trapped mouse.

  “So, slut,” he chuckled. “You said you have had a man’s cock in your mouth before. Is that true?”

  “Yes, master,” Felicia replied as she let her gaze fall to the floor in front of her. She hoped she appeared properly submissive.

  “Are you any good at giving a man pleasure with your mouth, you whore?” he asked.

  “I do not know, master,” Felicia said. She really hated this part of it, but her master seemed to like making her answer his questions.

  “I am sure that you will need training. You young sluts always think that all you have to do is take a man’s member into your mouth to drive him to ecstasy. There is far more to it than that. You must learn to kiss, and lick a man properly. Your mouth is for more than eating or speaking.” He fell silent for a moment. Felicia thought that he expected some sort of response from her.

  “Yes, master,” she agreed.

  “Juba,” he said. “Come here.”

  One of the harem went past Felicia, actually bumping her with her hip as she passed by. She had dark skin, nice legs, a plump ass and she smelled of jasmine. When she got within five or six feet of the sheik she dropped down onto her hands and knees and touched her head to the floor before crawling the rest of the way. One of his feet was still on the floor, and she kissed it. Since she had her back to Felicia the whole time, Felicia got some distressing views of the silver rings dangling from the woman’s vulva. She wasn’t pierced down there herself yet, and she didn’t like being reminded of what was still in store for her. Especially something like that.