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Felicia Page 9

  “I am still pierced,” Neha said. “Everywhere. From time to time I must wear my rings so that the piercings remain open. It will be the same for you.”

  “Oh.” Felicia fell silent.

  “They have only pierced you here and here,” Neha continued, her hand brushing against the rings through Felicia’s navel and nipples. “Soon they will pierce you elsewhere as well.”

  “Will it hurt?” Felicia asked.

  “They can make it hurt,” Neha answered. “They can make it hurt very much, if they choose. But that hurt is nothing compared to the shame you will feel afterwards. It cannot be helped. It cannot be avoided. So you must endure it.”

  Felicia shuddered. “It’s horrible,” she breathed. “Just horrible.”

  “You will become used to it,” Neha said. “You will not ever come to like it, but you will learn to endure it.”

  “How can you do it?” Felicia asked. “I mean to do what you did, in front of all those men…”

  “I have been made to do far worse,” Neha replied. “As will you. The sheik will always be the first to use you in a certain way. After that, he may bestow you as a gift to another man, to reward him, or gain his loyalty.”

  “But…” Felicia frowned. “I thought that harems…”

  Neha laughed again, it was not as softly as before, and it was far more bitter. “He does not keep us as a stable of wives,” she said. “We are a stable of nubile females. He controls access to us, but he does not keep us to himself. We must entertain him, of course, but we must also entertain whomever he orders us to. They are not always men.”

  Felicia became acutely aware that she and Neha were cuddled close together naked in this small, dark cell.

  “Do not worry,” Neha said. “I am forbidden to do more than care for you now. One day, they may order us to do more, but it will be in front of an audience, to inflame the men before they take us.”

  Before Felicia could say anything more, the door to the cell opened. Selim entered, followed by the sheik, still in his robes. Instinctively, the two girls moved apart. They adopted identical poses, kneeling with their thighs spread wide apart, their hands clasped behind their heads, their backs arched to better display their breasts.

  “You,” Selim said, pointing at Felicia with his short whip. “Hands and knees.”

  Felicia quickly obeyed. Her ass still smarted where he had struck her earlier.

  “Take the dancer away, Selim,” the sheik said, in English. “And come back in a little while for this one. You know what to do.”

  “Aywah, sayyid,” the big eunuch replied with a bow. Felicia watched surreptitiously out of the corner of her eye as he put a collar around Neha’s slender neck, clipped a leash to it, and waited as Neha got on all fours. Once she had, he led her away. Felicia heard the cell door close. She waited. For a while there was no sound in the cell, and she knew that the sheik was standing there, just looking at her, thinking about what he was going to do to her. She was wondering about that herself. He had fucked her before, and always from behind while she was on her hands and knees. Sometimes he would fondle her breasts while he used her, sometimes he spanked her ass. She had a feeling of dread about what he would do now.

  “So, my lovely Felicia,” she heard him say. His feet came into view as he walked towards her, then moved off to the side as he began to walk slowly around her. “You have no doubt had a man’s cock in your pretty mouth before, haven’t you?”

  “Yes, lord,” she replied by rote.

  “Of course you have, you shameless whore,” he said pleasantly. “Any man would know that, just by looking at you. Do you like the taste of a man’s cock, slut?”

  She wasn’t sure how to answer. She hesitated.

  “DO YOU, SLUT?” the sheik roared, his voice echoing off of the cold, bare stone walls. Felicia jumped.

  “Yes, lord!” she wailed desperately. She had never actually given it any thought, but she could not tell him she didn’t care about the taste one way or the other, and she feared that if she told him ‘no’ that he would visit some nasty little punishment on her for lying. He kept calling her ‘slut’ or ‘whore’, so he probably thought that she liked it, didn’t he? Her mouth felt dry.

  “So… you like to fuck men. You like to suck on men’s cocks. Have you ever had a man come in your mouth, slut?”

  “No, lord,” Felicia’s voice quavered.

  “Why not, you little whore? You said that you liked the taste?”

  Once more, Felicia hesitated. She couldn’t think of any way to answer that question to his satisfaction.

  “ANSWER ME!” he yelled at her, making her jump again.

  “I… I don’t know, lord!” she cried out.

  “I think you do know,” he said as he circled her slowly. “I think it is because you really do not like the taste… so you lied to me earlier.”

  “No, lord!” Felicia protested. “I… I… I never did that, so I do not know if I like the taste of it or not!”

  “But you said that you liked the taste of a man’s cock in your mouth.”

  “I did not lie then, lord! I…” she gulped. “I do like the taste of a man’s cock in my mouth. But… the other thing…”

  “Now why would you suck on a man’s cock like any street whore, but not let him come in your mouth?”

  Felicia wanted to scream. She thought desperately how to answer his question.

  “Perhaps you are not very good at sucking cock, so no man ever got enough pleasure that way to come.”

  “P-perhaps, lord,” Felicia whimpered. She had thought that she knew what he wanted and what he was going to do when all this started. Now she wasn’t at all sure what his intentions were. He was going to fuck her somehow, in some way. That much she knew.

  “Slut,” the sheik grunted as he nudged her in the ribs with his boot. “You do not seem to know much of anything, least of all how to give a man pleasure in any way but the one that is simplest and easiest for you. It is a shame to see such a beautiful body wasted in that fashion.”

  “I… I am sorry, lord,” Felicia whimpered.

  “You will need much, much more training,” he said. He sounded sad about it.

  “I will try to please you, lord.”

  “Yes, you will, or you shall be punished. Not gently, as before, but harshly. Do you understand me, slave?”

  “Yes, lord.”

  “We shall see,” the sheik said from somewhere behind her. “Now be still.”

  She felt him kneel down behind her, and tried not to shudder as he ran a hand slowly over her back.

  “And you have never had a man’s cock in your lovely round ass, slut?”

  “No, lord.” Felicia shuddered now as she realized what he had probably intended from the beginning.

  “Why not? Are you too good for that?”

  “No, lord.”

  “You admit that, and yet you have never let a man use you in that way?”

  “No, lord… I mean, yes… I…” Felicia stammered into silence.

  “Bitch,” he snarled. His open hand came down hard on Felicia’s ass, making her jerk and yelp. “You must learn that you are not too good for anything. Anything!”

  “Yes, lord!”

  “And you will call me ‘master’ from now on, slut, because I am your master! And you are my property, my slave! Say it, slut!” His hand smacked her ass again.

  “Yes, master!” Felicia said quickly. “I am your property, master! I am your slave!”

  “Good.” His hand came down on her ass gently, but she jerked and yelped anyway.

  “Now you will learn how a man’s cock feels in your ass, slut,” he chuckled. “Hold still.”

  Felicia gritted her teeth and braced herself. She was still terribly sore back there. She felt him using his thumbs to pry her ass cheeks further apart, then felt the head of his cock sliding up and down between her legs. She had a sudden urge to try to crawl away and resisted it.

  “Now, be still, slut,” he
said. “You may scream if you wish.”

  It hurt, but not enough to make her do anything more than whimper as he slowly drove himself into her. It went more easily than she had expected. There must still be some of the lubricant inside of her. The thought made her shudder.

  “Ahhhhh,” she heard him exhale. “You are very tight, slut. Perhaps you were telling me the truth about never permitting a man to do this to you. But I do not need permission, do I, slave?”

  “No, master,” Felicia replied in a quavering voice. She felt him thrusting in more deeply, and bit at her lower lip.

  “How does it feel, slut?” he asked.


  “How does it feel, you whore? Answer me!”

  “It feels… I feel very… very filled, master,” Felicia answered. In fact, she did feel that way, in addition to all the pain and discomfort she was feeling. Still, after that terrible experience with the dildo on the post, this didn’t feel unendurable.

  He began pumping her, slowly and deeply at first, but picking up speed. Felicia winced. It hurt more when he did that. She hoped that he would come soon so that this would all be over.

  “Do you like it, slut?” he demanded.

  “Oh, yes, master!” Felicia lied quickly. She hated it. She loathed it. She didn’t want to even think about it, and if he would just stop asking her questions that she had to answer, she would have been able to blank at least part of this degrading experience out of her mind.

  “You lie!” he snarled, smacking her ass again. “Why do you like it, slut?”

  “Because…” Felicia panted. He was pounding her hard now, her body rocking back and forth in time with his powerful thrusts, making her breasts wobble and jiggle. “Because it pleases you, master,” she said.

  “You lie again, you bitch!” he snapped. He smacked her ass yet again.

  “No, master!” Felicia protested.

  He said nothing more, but he didn’t hit her again. Felicia heard him puffing, felt his fingers digging into her hips. He gave one last, hard thrust, groaned, and was still, except for some sharp little jerks. She knew all too well what that meant. She felt incredibly debased, but at least it was over, for now. He stayed deep inside of her for a little while longer, then finally withdrew. He patted Felicia’s ass gently.

  “You are learning, slut,” he said. “Remain in that position until Selim comes for you.”

  “Yes, master,” Felicia nodded weakly. She really was feeling terribly sore now. She waited until the sheik had left and changed her stance just a little, putting her knees a bit further apart. It hurt less that way. There was scarcely a difference, but there was just enough of one for her to notice.

  It seemed to take a long time before Selim came back for her. She submitted to the leash again, and crawled along after him, wincing all the while. Worse yet, she could feel something trickling slowly down her inner thighs as she crawled. She hoped that it wasn’t blood. She knew a girl once who had finally given in to her boyfriend’s constant pleas and treated him to some anal sex. She had come down with a terrible infection and nearly died from it. It wouldn’t have been so bad if she hadn’t been too embarrassed to go to the doctor earlier.

  Selim took her to the baths. He hosed her down thoroughly with chilly water from a tap before he let her get into the bath that was already waiting for her. The warm, soapy water had never felt so good to her. It soothed her ravaged body better than anything else could have, but she wasn’t allowed to enjoy it for long. She was just starting to doze off when the big eunuch made her get out, dry off, brush out her long hair, and put on a little makeup. He even insisted on her applying rouge to her nipples. She complied out of fear of punishment. It was just one more humiliation piled on top of all the others.

  Selim fitted her with a different collar. This one was wide and stiff, forcing her to keep her chin up. She wondered why she had to wear it now. Selim clipped a leash to the single big D-ring that dangled from the front of it. As soon as he had, Felicia began to get onto her hands and knees, but he stopped her. He then ordered her to put her hands behind her back. Again, she obeyed, expecting him to tie her, or cuff her, but all he did was order her to keep them that way.

  This was something new, and new things always turned out badly for her. Nonetheless, she walked along docilely behind the eunuch. He led her along an unfamiliar route. That was also new. Felicia felt her stomach slowly knotting up. It occurred to her that the collar made her keep her head at a perfect angle for her to perform fellatio… or just have her mouth fucked. The thought repulsed her, but she knew it was going to happen sooner or later anyway. After being humiliated in front of all those men and being anally raped just a little while later, maybe it would be just as well to get the next disgusting part over with.

  She thought back to what Neha had told her. She didn’t really have many choices. In fact, she had almost none, and she had no hopes at all of rescue. But she did have that one tiny sliver of hope that she could be put into the harem. To win that reward, she would have to be submissive, no matter what she was forced to do, and try very hard to please the sheik, as well as whatever man he might choose to give her to for the night. She hated being reduced to that, but what else could she do? Really, what else could she do?

  Selim led her up to a set of massive wooden double doors and knocked loudly. After a moment, the doors opened.

  Chapter Ten

  She hadn’t known what to expect when the doors opened, but she was sure that whatever it was would be unpleasant. What she had not expected to see was a dinner party, with all the men who had witnessed her degradation earlier seated around a wide table piled high with food and drink. The smell of the food reminded her that she’d only been allowed to eat a very little for the past day and a half. Her stomach growled.

  The men sent up a happy shout when they saw her standing in the doorway, naked and collared. She wanted to cover herself with her hands, even though those same men had seen her naked before and even put their hands all over her. She could have done so, since she wasn’t bound, but Selim had ordered her to put her hands behind her and keep them there, so she laced her fingers together tightly.

  The sheik was seated at the head of the table. He rose, and all of the guests fell silent immediately.

  “This lovely young slut no longer has a virgin ass,” he announced. “She is quite tight yet, and most enjoyable!”

  Felicia could feel herself blushing in shame. The guests might have suspected what the sheik had done to her, but having it announced like that was terrible. It was just awful. And she had to stand there.

  It would get worse, she knew. After the sheik had raped her for the first time in the harem, she had been strung up and whipped before a group of his men who afterwards gang-raped her. Was the sheik planning on doing something like that again? Oh, God, please, no! She was terribly sore already, and she didn’t think that any amount of lubricant could keep her from being fucked raw. She felt her ass puckering up at the thought.

  “Tell my guests how it felt, slut,” the sheik ordered.

  Felicia froze, her mouth open. She had no idea what to say, no idea at all. The only thing she was sure of was that he didn’t want to hear her tell the truth, that it had been painful and humiliating, with the most humiliating part being when he came.

  “See?” the sheik laughed, though his eyes blazed angrily at Felicia. “She was so overcome by her experience that she cannot find the words!”

  That look in his piercing dark eyes galvanized Felicia into speaking.

  “It was wonderful, master!” she spoke up quickly. “It… it was unlike anything else I have ever experienced!” That part, at least, was completely true. “It was an honor to serve you, my master!” She hoped that she sounded sincere. She hoped desperately that she sounded sincere.

  “Come to me, my pretty little slave,” the sheik said with a smile. Felicia started to go around the table, but Selim pulled her up short.

  “No, you stupid sl
ut,” the sheik said. He was still smiling. “Crawl to me along the table. Let all of my guests see you.”

  Felicia looked at the table. She might be able to get up on it from the floor, but it wouldn’t be easy. And, while there was a dazzling white tablecloth covering it, it didn’t appear to be thick enough to protect her knees from the hard wood beneath it. The only good thing she could see was that the table was wide enough for her to crawl between the cups and plates. But she would also be within easy reach of all those men, who had already felt her up before and seemed eager to do it again. She really didn’t want to do it, but she had been made to do so many things that appalled her already, that this just didn’t seem to be all that big a thing.

  Selim helped her up onto the table. She held still as he removed her leash, and realized that when she was on all fours the collar forced her to keep her head up, as if she was proud to be displaying herself in this way. She crawled along slowly, trying to be very careful about where she placed her hands and knees. The collar made it difficult. And all the while she felt men’s hands reaching out to fondle her breasts, or her thighs, or her calves, or any other part of her they could get to. From time to time she had to stop completely, wincing, until whoever had seized her by one of her nipple rings let go.

  The table hadn’t appeared to be especially large at first, but by the time she reached the sheik she felt as if she’d crawled for half a mile on a flat, hard rock infested with pinching insects. He smiled warmly up at her, and she gave an inward sigh of relief.

  “She is a beautiful young bitch, is she not?” the sheik asked his guests. All of them agreed that she was, indeed.

  “And she is learning obedience, albeit slowly,” he went on. “It is well-known that blonde women are not especially intelligent, and this one is undoubtedly a real blonde. Spread your knees to show my guests, slut.”

  Never mind that his guests had already had plenty of time to see that the tuft of hair between her legs was almost the same shade as the hair on her head. Felicia obeyed, looking behind her as best she could with that damned restrictive collar around her neck. She knew that this put her pussy on prominent display for the far end of the table, but she had no tears left for crying. She would have obeyed anyway, out of fear of another brutal whipping, but now she had the prospect of earning a place in the harem to give her an additional reason.