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Vacation Page 4

  “Remember I told you I’d only take off the gag for one thing, Red?” he reminded her. She nodded weakly. “Well,” he said, ruffling her hair, “Do a good job for me and maybe I’ll cut you loose, hey?”

  She nodded quickly, opening her mouth for him. This part was always a bit awkward. He straddled her, careful not to put too much weight on her chest, and guided his cock in. Her lips closed around it, and she began sucking, moving her head back and forth. He liked it when they became so anxious to please.

  Claudia could taste herself on him. She concentrated on sucking, using her tongue on the underside of the head of his cock, moving more by instinct than from any deep reservoir of experience. His hands gripped either side of her head, and he quickened her pace for her. She could hear the noises she was making, the little grunts of breath, the small, wet, slurping noises.

  “Aaaahhhhhh,” he groaned at last. “That’s it, Red……that’s it……” She sucked almost desperately. At the very end, he rammed himself halfway down her throat, groaning with pleasure. She swallowed convulsively, still sucking, trying to milk him dry. He let her, until she HAD to breathe, and then withdrew. She felt him slap her face gently with his cock, right, left, and then his weight was off of her.

  “Not too bad, Red,” he said to her. “If it was up to just me, I’d cut you loose right now, but the other guys might want you yet.”

  “No…” she groaned weakly. “No, please. Let me go.”

  He ruffled her hair again. “I don’t think that’d be fair to little Dee, having to take all of us on herself, would it?”

  Claudia bit back the sudden urge to say “Fuck Dee.” They probably already were doing that anyway. The most she could hope for was a short rest before one of the others came in to fuck her.


  Somebody slammed Dianne down onto the mattress face down, hard. She grunted at the impact, felt strong hand gripping her hips, lifting them up. Knees thrust between her legs, forcing them apart, wider, wider. She struggled. They seemed to want her to, and it added spice for her too, the feeling of being taken by force, USED. In spite of her struggling and protesting, she was terribly ready. A hard cock rammed into her from behind, his hips slamming hard into her upturned rear, and she grunted again.

  Whoever it was, it wasn’t Rom….she knew his body too well….and he was done with her quickly. It seemed he’d barely withdrawn from her when other hands gripped her, moved her, and another cock slammed into her….Rom, this time, she was sure, and she gave a loud moan as if in welcome. She came in his grasp, and then the third man wanted her mouth…..

  They were all rough with her. She found it more arousing than she’d have thought possible. A big part of it was that all she could do was respond. Her wrists and elbows were still tightly bound, the blindfold limited her to sound, touch, taste and smell.. The collar around her neck was a palpable weight, and the occasional yanks on the leash made her gasp…not in surprise, but in another sudden peak of arousal. She wished she could see herself as they saw her.

  Then they were done with her….for the moment. Someone freed her elbows, someone tied her ankles, someone then hogtied her on the mattress. She heard them leave, laughing at some joke, and go into the kitchen. As soon as she was sure they were out of the room, she struggled with the cords that bound her. The job had been done well. She could feel no way to get free. She would free herself if she could, if only to have them grab her and tie her up again. In the meantime, there was little she could do. She lay on her side as comfortably as was possible, and waited for the first of them to come back to her.

  Claudia was awakened from her sleep by hands playing with her breasts, tugging at the little cords still tied around the bases of her sore, sensitive nipples. Still drowsy and all used up, she was too tired even to protest. Still blindfolded, she couldn’t see who it was either. At this point, did it matter? She groaned weakly as he mounted her, letting her stretched and abused body take all of his weight as he began to fuck her, hard and fast. For all of the energy he had, it seemed to take him an awfully long time to come. Some detached corner of her mind suggested that just maybe she and Dianne were wearing their captors down.

  She was wakened from a sleep of complete physical exhaustion by someone carefully cutting through the ropes that held her wrists and ankles. She was still blindfolded, and it seemed just too much effort to push it aside to see who it was.

  “Hey, Red,” that intimately familiar voice breathed into her ear. “All tuckered out now, aint’cha?” He chuckled, then climbed into the bed with her, holding her spoon-fashion as he pulled the covers up over them both. She felt the hardness and warmth of his body against her back, realized that he was naked too, and relaxed again. Unless he was somehow superhuman, he wouldn’t be able to use her again for a little while at least. He’d freed her, which was oddly reassuring. In the meantime, the closeness and unusual gentleness he was showing felt very good.

  He brushed his hand slowly across her breasts. Her nipples were no longer swollen, and the tiny bindings he’d put on them fell away easily. “Ever done this before, Red?” he asked, his mouth inches from her ear.

  She stirred slightly. “No…” she yawned.

  “C’mon,” he chuckled. “You’re a cop. Never even played with your handcuffs?” He felt her stiffen slightly, and knew that she had…at least once, anyway.

  “Why do you want to know?” she asked.

  “You took to this real easy,” he replied. “Lotsa women need a bit more convincin’.”

  “Oh?” she asked sleepily. “And do they all give in? Or have you raped some of them anyway?”

  “Never needed to rape a one,” he chuckled. “Even if I had, would I tell a cop?”

  She didn’t answer, but he knew she wasn’t asleep. He reached with his free hand to stroke a nipple, and she tried to shrug him away. “Don’t,” she said. “They’re still sore.”

  He complied, resting his arm in the curve of her hip. “Bet you’re kinda sore all over, Red,” he observed. “Well, you’ll have time to rest up later. You leavin’… what? …day after tomorrow?”

  “Yes,” she answered.

  “Gonna miss you, Red,” he whispered into her little pink ear. “You’re a tall girl too. What do you go? Five-seven, five-eight maybe?” His hand slid down her hip, down her leg, drawing little response from her. “’Course, with them long legs o’ yours you look taller.”

  “So?” she shrugged minutely, unwilling to have a conversation. She was tired, she was used up, and she wanted more sleep. It seemed as if, having learned so much about her body and its responses, he wanted to get into her mind now as well. It was…disturbing.

  “More to a woman than just a body,” he went on, his hand stroking her with surprising gentleness. “Lots more.”

  “Let me sleep,” she yawned again. “Please.” The last word sounded more like an order than a request. He fell silent, still holding her. Soon he knew she was asleep. Soon after, he was too.

  Dianne’s sleep came in little bits here and there. Once in a while, Rom or one of the others would get the urge and come in to visit her. She was by now too worn out to respond much. They kept her hands tied, but freed her legs and her elbows.

  Claudia awoke to find him pulling her hands behind her. It was still dark. He’d removed her blindfold. “Don’t….” she protested weakly.

  “Feel like takin’ you again, Red,” he replied.

  “You don’t have to tie me up,” she persisted, struggling halfheartedly.

  “Maybe not,” he chuckled. “But I like it, and so do you.”

  She submitted, felt the heavy steel handcuffs lock around her wrists. He turned her to face him and began nibbling at her throat. In spite of her weariness, she felt herself starting to respond. She’d wanted just to lie still and have him do it and be done, but his hands were so skilled that within a few minutes she knew that would be impossible. When her kisses became hungrier, his hand clamped on the back of her neck and he pushed her
head down. “Suck it a little, Red,” he said. “I need a little encouragin’.”

  She groped for him with her mouth, found him, took him in. His hand kept its grip on her neck, but he didn’t force her at all. He let her set her own pace, slow and thorough. She felt his cock grow longer and harder between her lips. Then his hand was in her hair, pulling her back.

  “You’re getting’ real good at this, Red,” he chuckled as he put her on her back. She shifted so that the handcuffs weren’t digging into her back, and parted her legs as he mounted her. He also went slowly, taking his time. She came before he did, with a long, wailing moan. She moaned again when she felt and heard him come.

  He brought her some water to drink, holding it for her. He’d removed the handcuffs, but after all the abuse, her wrists felt weak. He’d also brought some food, but she wasn’t very hungry and only took a few small bites. He put the food aside, and got into bed with her. They lay side by side, looking up at a ceiling that was just barely visible once he’d doused the light. He had an arm around her. Given the circumstances, she found it strangely comforting.

  “Sure gonna miss you, Red,” he said again.

  “Right,” she replied with another yawn.

  “Nope. I mean it. Don’t find a whole lotta women get so into it.”

  “I’m not that into it,” she answered.

  “Hell you ain’t,” he chuckled. “I can see it in your eyes, Red. You love this.”

  “How’s Dianne?” she asked, trying to change the subject.

  “Little Dee is sound asleep,” he replied. “So’s everybody else. It’s four in the morning.”

  “But how IS she?”

  “Oh, she’s fine. Made sure she was untied and everythin’. Looks a little wore out though.” He laughed once. “Interestin’ how you two had the same hankerin’ to act out this little fantasy.”

  “It’s more hers than mine,” Claudia protested weakly.

  “Mighta started that way,” he chuckled. “Enjoyin’ your vacation, Red? I try to please.”

  “Look…..” she swallowed once before continuing. “This is just a one-time thing. Put it down to it being a vacation, a last fling of two girlfriends before they move apart.. But it ends day after tomorrow, no matter what.”

  “Sure, Red,” he agreed too readily. “Which reminds me. We’re gonna let you gals rest up now. We’re gonna be gone before you get up. You’ll have all day to yourselves, but tomorrow evenin’ we were kinda plannin’ to take you out someplace nice for dinner. Maybe even some dancin’. How’s that sound to you?”

  “Sounds…okay.” Claudia’s response was cautious. On the one hand, a night without being tied up and gangbanged sounded like a welcome relief just now. But a part of her yearned for one last good, hard fucking, after she’d had a chance to rest up. Something to remember. To her surprise, she found that she really did want it: Rough hands on her body, harsh bonds, insistent cocks, being used, USED…..she shivered at the sudden small spark deep in her belly.

  “Really like to take you home an’ keep you,” he went on. “Keep you naked all the time so’s I can look at you. Can’t tie you up all the time….maybe a nice cage for you?” He felt her shiver again and drew closer to him.

  “It ends day after tomorrow,” she said. “This was….different, all right. Yeah, I DID like it, but I think just this once is enough for me.”

  “You’re just sayin’ that ‘cause you’re tired out.” His voice was certain. “Sooner or later, you’re gonna want it again ‘cause everything else is gonna seem like plain vanilla ice cream, over an’ over again.”

  “No, it won’t.”

  “Okay,” he chuckled. “Believe what’cha want. But you’re one of the best I ever come across. Be a shame to let it go to waste.”

  They were both quiet for a time, and she thought he’d gone to sleep. Sleep was eluding her, though. His words felt disturbingly on the mark, and she did not want to admit that, even just to herself.

  “You’re good, Red,” his voice made her jump. He wasn’t asleep after all. “Good lay, even a pretty fair cocksucker with a bit of practice. Ever taken it up your pretty little ass?”

  “No,” Claudia shuddered. “Not ever.”

  “Never even thought about it?”

  “Like I could stop you if you tied me up again?” She tried to put some bitterness into her voice, but failed.

  “Just curious,” he yawned. “Too late now. I’m fuckered out an’ so are you. Maybe a couple-three months I come and visit you and we give it a shot?”

  “I told you, it ends. I don’t want to see you again. Ever.”

  “’Kay, Red…” his voice was fainter, as if he were drifting off to sleep. “Seems a shame, though…”


  When she was sure he was asleep, she slipped out of the bed and went to check on Dianne. Her soon-to-be-ex-partner was sleeping on the mattress, covered with a sheet. Her breathing was slow and regular, her eyes peacefully closed. Claudia stroked her hair for a moment before kissing her forehead. There were dark circles under her eyes, and her hair was a tangled mess, but there seemed to be a shadow of a smile on her face.

  The other men were sacked out in the living room, on the couch, in the chairs, one of them snoring loudly.

  Claudia went to the bathroom. She was grateful that the lights had a rheostat control…she really did not want to see how she must look in full light. Even so, when she looked into the mirror she scarcely recognized her own face. She looked so drawn, exhausted. There were faint circles under her eyes, her hair was tangled worse than Dianne’s, and matted with sweat and semen. There were still marks on her wrists and ankles, but not as bad as she’d feared.. She turned to the full-length mirror hung on the door and surveyed her body in the dimmed light. It looked still taut and fit, still serviceable and easy to look at….but it FELT different. Almost unfamiliar. She ran her hands down slowly over her breasts, down her belly, her thighs. She’d worn this body for all these years and never knew what tricks, hungers and betrayals it was capable of. She felt suddenly very, very tired. A shower could wait until morning….Every damned thing could wait until morning. She switched off the lights and shuffled cautiously in the dark back to her bedroom, into her bed. He was a warm and solid presence under the covers, something to snuggle close to just before sleep.

  She did not sleep well, though. THAT dream kept returning to haunt her. But the barn unaccountably had a big mattress in it, and the ski-masked men all wore Sam face masks on the outside


  It was afternoon before either woman woke. The bungalow was empty except for the two of them. Rom had left a note saying they’d be back around seven to take them out to dinner.

  Claudia looked at the wall clock in the kitchen. “That gives us only six and a half hours,” she said.

  Dianne yawned hugely. “Great,” she replied. “Five hours of it in the tub for me. I want a long, long soak. You want to join me?”

  “Good idea.” Claudia chuckled. “One of us will have to be awake so the other doesn’t fall asleep and drown.”

  Dianne laughed weakly. “I hadn’t thought of that,” she yawned again, stretching. “You know, two days of this is very nearly too much, don’t you think?”

  Claudia smiled at her friend. “Hey, it was your idea, wasn’t it? How sure were you I’d go along?”

  Dianne’s smile was faint. “I had a feeling….that’s all,” she replied. “I’m going to miss you….especially after all this.”

  Claudia hugged her closely. For the moment, she had no words.


  They made love hungrily in the warm, soapy bathwater, using their hands. There was a certain bittersweet flavor to it. They both knew it would all end soon. Dianne’s body was slickly wet under her hands, and so very responsive. Dianne herself was more aggressive, and at times their lovemaking seemed more like a slow, soapy wrestling match. Neither woman spoke the whole time.

  They lay side by side in the water, arms around eac
h other’s shoulders. “You really have to go?” Dianne said at last.

  “I really do,” Claudia nodded. “I worked too hard for this opportunity. You know that.”

  “I do…” Dianne replied. “And I really do wish the best for you.” She yawned and stretched, tensing all her muscles, arching her back before subsiding. “I just wish…this could go on longer.”

  “Well….” Claudia yawned in response. “So do I, kind of. But not TOO much longer.”

  “What’s he like…alone?” Dianne prompted.

  Claudia chuckled wryly. “Damned good,” she said. “I think he could get me to jump through hoops for him eventually.”

  Dianne giggled. “Using a whip and a chair?” she teased.

  Claudia laughed aloud.


  Rom and Sam arrived a little after seven that evening. Both had showered and shaved and donned slacks and sports jackets. Claudia had seen Rom dressed up before, but she was startled at the change the clothes seemed to make on Sam. Now he looked like some moderately-successful small businessman….until you got to his eyes. They had not changed at all. He grinned broadly when he saw the two women. “You two dress up real good,” he observed.

  Claudia smiled and did a little pirouette for him before she even had time to think about it. She and Dianne wore similar little black dresses. Hers was sleeveless, Dianne’s had short sleeves. Both dresses had scooped necklines, the skirts stopping inches above their knees.. Claudia had added an ornate little gold chain belt as an accessory to hers. While Dianne had gone with thigh-high stockings, Claudia, after careful shaving, had elected to go bare-legged. Low black heels with ankle straps completed the ensembles for both women. They had brushed each other’s hair until it shone. To both women’s relief, after long soaking in the tub their bonds had left nothing more than faint marks on their wrists and ankles, nothing anybody would notice unless they were looking for them.