Vacation Page 5
“Where are the others?” Dianne asked.
“They’ll meet up with us later.” Sam said. “They both had some business to attend to,” he said it in a very offhand way, but Claudia thought she detected some tension in his voice. She let it pass. Her time with him had been so….intense….so far that it was possible she was imagining things. Dianne went and took Rom’s arm, and Sam offered his own to Claudia. She hesitated just a moment before taking it. He smiled warmly down at her. “Hope you like to dance, Red,” he said.
The restaurant was much nicer than Claudia would have expected: Heavy drapes, tasteful décor and snow-white tablecloths, a live band playing soft music and a dance floor, currently unoccupied. The maitre’d ushered them to a table by the wall, and the men both held chairs for the women. Claudia was surprised and pleased by this attention. Dianne caught her eye and winked.
A waiter appeared promptly, bringing menus and ice water, asked if they wanted anything from the bar .
Claudia had the distinct impression that Sam was known here. She looked him over more carefully as he ordered drinks for them. There was obviously more to him than the carnal brute she’d come to know so….intimately. Done ordering, he looked at her, and she felt herself blushing.
“What are you thinkin’, Red?” he grinned.
“Just how nice this is,” she replied, evading the question a bit. “How did you find this place?”
“Phone book,” he shrugged, taking a sip of water. “Made a few calls. This one fit the bill. What were you expectin’?”
“I don’t know.” It was Claudia’s turn to shrug. “You surprised me.”
“I like to surprise you,” he smiled at her. “See how you react.”
“I noticed,” she responded wryly. “You know, I don’t really know a damned thing about you.”
“Oh, you know quite a bit, I think,” he chuckled. “But even so…you said you didn’t want to see me again after this. Why the interest in me now?”
Claudia felt herself blushing again. “Force of habit,” she shot back. He laughed.
Dinner was good. There was nothing pretentious about the entrees, no sparse serving of baby vegetables, no strange sauces, just well prepared and delicious food. Claudia had opted for the most expensive dish on the menu, lobster, and had smiled sweetly at Sam when she’d told him her choice. He’d grinned back, as if conceding at least this point to her.
They made small talk over the meal and the wine, not mentioning the past two days at all. Sam deftly parried all of Claudia’s attempts to find out more about him, seeming to take a certain pleasure in doing so. It wasn’t until she gave up and just listened that he began to open up a little, telling stories about experiences here and there. A lot of these stories were ostensibly about friends of his, but she thought that most of them were his own experiences. He’d apparently traveled a lot, but in what capacity she couldn’t tell. He might have done some smuggling, she thought: It would fit him. Whatever he might have smuggled, though, it wasn’t drugs. He just didn’t have that look to him. From the course of the conversation, it was also apparent that he and Rom went a ways back. Every so often they’d laugh together at what had to be some inside joke.
Then he noticed how intently she was listening to him and broke off his talking. He stood and offered her his hand. “Care to dance, Red?” he asked. “I don’t mean to talk your pretty little ears off.”
Smiling, she took his hand and rose. “Not at all,” she said. “I could listen to your stories for hours.” In fact, she wished he would go on. She’d been trying to form a clearer picture of him, but hadn’t been able to. All she was even slightly sure of was that he was closer to her age than Rom was to Dianne’s, maybe a bit older. It was irritating. She prided herself on being able to size people up quickly and accurately, and yet somehow she couldn’t seem to pin him down at all. Here he’d done things (she shivered inwardly) to her that no one else had. He knew more about her body and its responses after a few days than she’d even suspected in years. For all that, she didn’t know much about him at all. He didn’t even have any tattoos, just a few small scars. He could have come by those in any number of perfectly ordinary ways.
“Don’t think I could talk that long nonstop,” He chuckled.
Out on the dance floor, they fitted together easily. He was a good dancer, leading her around with practiced ease. She hadn’t been dancing for a long time, and was surprised at how nice it felt. She looked up at him, trying to read his face.
“Are you planning on working me over again tonight?” she asked in a low murmur, so that none of the other couples on the floor now might hear.
“If I said I wasn’t thinkin’ of it, would you believe me, Red?” he countered.
“I can say no.”
He chuckled. “You always could’ve said no, Red.”
She blushed yet again. He was so damned sure of himself! “A woman likes to be asked,” she said.
“True enough,” he nodded. “And sometimes the same woman who likes to be asked also likes to be told. You liked bein’ told.”
“Yes…” she conceded. “This once.”
He bent his head down so that his warm breath tickled her ear. “You liked it a lot.”
She shivered minutely. “I’m not so sure I’d like it again,” she protested.
“Ah, Red.” His arm tightened imperceptibly around her waist. “Don’t lie to yourself. We both know better.” He was still exhaling gently into her ear, onto her bare neck. His voice dropped to a whisper. “You talk in your sleep, little girl.”
She shivered again. What did he mean? She pulled her head back to look at him. He just smiled down at her, his expression giving away nothing. His eyes told her that he wanted her again….but she knew that already. She was suddenly sharply aware of just how his body was moving against hers, the strength and warmth of his arm around her, how her dress gently brushed against her skin here and there, the snugness of the straps of her shoes around her ankles, and she missed a step. Sam corrected deftly, slowly swung her around.
“Losin’ your concentration?” he asked, still wearing that smile.
She stretched on tiptoe to whisper into his ear: “You’re a real bastard.”
He gave a low laugh, and his arm squeezed briefly around her waist.
They danced a bit more, sometimes switching partners. Rom was an adequate dancer, but he did not feel as oddly comfortable as Sam did, nor as skillful. At one point, she saw Sam lean down to whisper something into Dianne’s ear, and she felt an irrational surge of jealousy when Dianne laughed out loud at whatever he’d said.
By the time it was time to leave, Claudia realized that she was ready and willing to be seduced. Dianne was in much the same state, clinging happily to Rom’s arm, her eyes sparkling. The men ushered the women out to Dianne’s minivan. Sam drove, Claudia sitting next to him. In the back seat, Rom and Dianne cuddled and kissed. Feeling strangely girlish, Claudia moved closer to Sam and rested her head on his shoulder. Once he was clear of the parking lot and out on the wide county highway, he put his arm around her. It felt good.
They came to the turnoff for the resort and Sam drove straight on past it.
“What’s…you missed the turn.” Claudia sat up, looking at Sam.
“Goin’ someplace first, Red,” he grinned at her.
“Oh?” Claudia arched her brows. “Where?”
He just chuckled, drew her back close to him. She resisted for just a moment before yielding. She’s been feeling nicely warm, cozy and amorous….now it all had an edge to it, sharp as a knife. He’d planned something….what? She shuddered minutely, and his arm hugged her a bit tighter. She looked up at him one more time, but he was intent on his driving now. She could hear Dianne’s ragged breathing from the back seat, a low grunt from Rom.
They went out into the country a few miles, finally turning onto a gravel road that wound around behind some trees. Well back from the main road, and hidden behind those trees, was an old farmste
ad. The old two-story farmhouse was dark and dead looking, but there was a glimmer of light coming from the old barn. Claudia’s eyes widened as she saw it, and she stiffened, mouth partly open in surprise and shock.
“You talk in your sleep, little girl,” he had said. How much had she talked? What had she said? Claudia swallowed nervously. Her heart was beginning to beat faster, her mouth felt dry.
Sam pulled to a stop by the barn, killed the engine, doused the lights. “All out,” he announced.
Feeling strangely numb, Claudia let Sam assist her out of the minivan as Rom did for Dianne. Dianne looked a bit rumpled and out-of-breath. Sam had a strong grip on her upper arm as he ushered Claudia into the barn through a battered old wooden door. The light inside came from some gas lamps hung from the rafters. Their low hissing sounded somehow ominous.
Rom and Sam propelled the two women forward of them. Claudia and Dianne took a few small steps forward before grinding to an uncertain halt. They looked at each other, wide-eyed, Dianne not sure what was going on, Claudia only too sure of it.
“What?” Dianne began. She got no further before two ski-masked men stepped out in front of them. One held a pump shotgun. He worked the action with a jarring metallic clash before leveling it at the two women. “Hands up!” he barked. “Now!”
Dianne’s hands went up quickly. Claudia raised hers more slowly, heart thumping wildly. It was THAT dream….only it was NOT a dream, it was real, it was happening! She half-turned to look for Sam and Rom. They were there, but they had shed their jackets and donned black ski masks too. Sam had retrieved a shotgun from somewhere himself, and he leveled it at Claudia. She could just picture his feral grin through the mask.
“Up against the wall,” he ordered the women. “You know the position. Move!”
The barrel of the shotgun jerked towards a high plank wall. Claudia and Dianne stumbled towards it through the loose straw. They raised their hands, spread them wide and put them against the rough planks, leaning against the wall and spreading their legs. Dianne looked over at Claudia with a wild gleam in her eye for a moment, and Claudia realized that her friend thought she had set this up. She gulped. In a way, she had.
Hard hands frisked them, a bit too thoroughly as they lingered on their legs, moving up under their skirts. Staring straight at the rough plank wall, Claudia wondered who was doing it to her. She heard a startled little squeak from Dianne.
The men frisking them moved away. “All right!” Sam barked. “Turn around and keep your hands up!”
The women complied. Claudia noted that the shotguns were still leveled at them, and hoped that they weren’t really loaded. It was THAT dream, all right, except that she and Dianne ought to be in police uniforms. Even so, the whole scene had a dreamlike feel of inevitability to it, as if it were a replay of something which had happened before. The four men looked them over for a long moment.
“Kinda pretty for cops,” Sam said. He looked at Claudia. “You there!” he said with a small jerk of the shotgun. “Strip!”
“Or what?” Claudia countered. “You’ll shoot me?”
“Hell, no,” he chuckled nastily. The barrel moved to point at Dianne. “I’ll shoot her.”
Claudia tried to control her breathing. There was a faint, metallic taste in her mouth. Slowly lowering her hands, she sought the zipper to her dress and began pulling it down.
“Faster,” Sam ordered.
Getting her shoes off was awkward. She had to balance herself precariously on one foot as she unbuckled the ankle strap and removed the pump, then repeat the process with her other foot. She shed the dress, then her brassiere, finally her panties. She started to cover herself with her hands.
“Uh-uh,” Sam gestured with the shotgun. “Back up against the wall, cop.”
Claudia obeyed. She heard Sam say to Dianne: “You, too, cop. Same deal.” And then the cold metal muzzle of the shotgun was against the base of her spine. Not too long afterwards, Dianne was braced against the wall beside her, naked.
The shotgun muzzle didn’t move, but one of the other men came over to Claudia and began taking her jewelry: Earrings, small gold necklace, the slim bracelet.. Another man did the same to Dianne. It was odd, but now Claudia felt especially naked. Her jewelry taken, the man moved away.
“Very nice,” Sam said. The shotgun muzzle moved away. “Be a shame to waste all that.” A hand caressed her hip, more possessively than affectionately. The same hand came around to fondle and squeeze a breast in the same way. “Be a real shame.” There was a short pause, and then Claudia heard the unmistakable metallic clinking of handcuffs.
Two men grabbed Claudia by her arms and pushed her face down into the straw, twisting her hands behind her. She struggled- uselessly, she knew, as they locked her wrists behind her with the cold, heavy handcuffs. She had a brief glimpse of Dianne still braced against the wall, looking down at her wide-eyed. Rom was holding a shotgun against the base of her spine, keeping her still. As soon as Claudia was secured, they gave Dianne the same rough treatment. The hay strewn on the floor tickled and poked at breasts, bellies, thighs. Claudia sneezed once as some dust got up into her nose.
The two women lay side by side on the floor. Dianne turned a questioning face to Claudia, as if to ask her if all this were her idea. Claudia couldn’t answer, and turned her head away. A part of her was scared. This whole situation was completely out of her control, and they were way, way out in the country with no one else to see or hear what happened. And yet…she felt almost intoxicated due to the exact same circumstances, her body beginning to tingle all over
On your back.” Sam ordered Dianne, prodding her with the shotgun. She obeyed, keeping her legs primly together. “You, too.” He prodded Claudia next. She rolled onto her back, then deliberately raised her knees, parting them.
“This is what you want, isn’t it?” she asked in a strained voice. “Well, damn you, come on!”
Sam chuckled wickedly. “We’re doin’ this MY way, cop!” he told her. He gestured with the shotgun to the other men. “Get ‘er up on ‘er feet.”
Jake and Rom grabbed her each by an arm and hauled her painfully upright in front of Sam. Claudia glared at him defiantly. It was so much a part of THAT dream that she did it without thinking about it. Sam grinned and slapped her, hard enough to stun her for a moment. She would have fallen if the other men hadn’t kept her up. Still grinning, Sam brought the barrel of the shotgun up between her legs, as if she were astride a broomstick. The touch of the cold metal made her gasp. That had never been a part of the dream, but the crude suggestion and brutal threat of it fit perfectly. He slid the smooth, chill barrel back and forth, slowly, seeming to enjoy the expression on her face. Claudia’s mouth sagged half open for a moment. Then, she shuddered and closed her eyes, her head dropping. It was too much, too much. She felt him withdraw the shotgun…slowly…and the sensation made her shudder. Then he brought the end of the barrel up under her chin, tilting her head back up so that she had to look up into his eyes. His eyes were terribly intense, boring right into hers.
“On your knees, cop,” he ordered.
Still supported by Jake and Rom, Claudia sank slowly to her knees. She knew what was coming next, and was surprised to find that she was salivating, anticipating his cock in her mouth. He kept the muzzle of the shotgun right under her chin the whole time. If he hadn’t, she knew her mouth would already be open, hungry, waiting. The fact that three other men, plus Dianne, were there, watching, made it all the more intense. She tugged furtively at the handcuffs that fettered her, and her hands clenched into tight fists. It was THAT dream, now real.
She looked very, very good kneeling there in the straw. Whether she knew it or not, her hips were making those little rotating motions again. Her pretty green eyes had lost focus, and her nipples were swollen. She was all primed for it, ready to go. He’d been able to put a lot together from what she’d said in her sleep. He chucked her lightly under her chin with the shotgun muzzle, and she whimpered. Time
to pitch her the first curve, introduce a little uncertainty.
He nodded towards Jake. “Go on,” he said. Out of the corner of his eye he saw her eyes get back a little of that focus, saw the beginnings of a frown on her face, and then Jake grunted happily and stepped between them as he moved the shotgun away. She started to make some sound of protest, then yelped as Rom grabbed a fistful of her hair to keep her still. He heard Jake unzipping.
“Suck it, cop,” Jake growled at her. “C’mon, bitch, SUCK it!” He gave her a slap across her face for encouragement.
He stepped to one side for a better look just in time to see Red open her mouth, her eyes closed. Jake took her by her hair as Rom let go, and thrust the head of his cock between her lips. He started to move her head back and forth roughly, twisting her hair in his grip at the same time. Red gave a muffled whimper, her eyes shut tight.
Beyond them, he could see Dee wriggling uncomfortably on her belly in the straw, unable to get up because Hub had one booted foot in the small of her back, keeping her pinned. He laid the shotgun aside carefully, as if it really were loaded, and went over to her, crouching down next to her and grabbing a fistful of her hair. He used the grip to pull her head up, uncomfortably, to look at him. Little Dee looked almost scared. She licked her lips nervously, her eyes shifting from his to Red’s back. Red was getting pretty noisy now, muffled grunts and whimpers as Jake kept shoving himself deeper and deeper into her mouth. Her arms twisted, up, down, back and forth as she fought the handcuffs that trapped her wrists. She looked very, very good from this angle too. He shifted his attention back to Dee.
“Feelin’ left out?” he grinned down at her. “Well, c’mon then,”
He hauled her to her feet with a little help from Hub, and towed her over next to Red. He made her kneel next to her partner, still holding her by her hair as he unzipped his own slacks one-handed. Red’s noises and struggling had him almost painfully hard already, and he gave Dee no time to get ready before he forced his own cock into her mouth. Dee protested, looking up at him with a “no…no…” in her eyes. In response, he thrust himself in deeper, moving her head back and forth rapidly until she quit fighting it and began sucking and licking, almost desperately, on her own. Alongside, Red seemed to have gotten the same idea finally. Jake still had her by her hair, but he wasn’t using it to force her pace any more. She was taking him in deep, then pulling back, then taking him deep in again, making tiny nasal grunts with each stroke. Her eyes were closed. Behind her, her hands still fluttered weakly in the handcuffs.