Vacation Page 6
When Jake came in her mouth, Red’s eyes flew wide and she tried to pull away, but Jake held her head in place as she choked and sputtered, come dribbling out at the corners of her mouth, down her stubborn little chin. He was very close to coming himself now. Dee knew her stuff. He erupted into her mouth as Red looked up at him, breathing slowly, and deeply through parted lips. A trickle of semen ran down from one corner of her mouth. There was the tiny crease of a frown between her eyes, and she looked puzzled and hurt, as if not understanding why he hadn’t chosen her first. Then he realized Dee was almost strangling, his own come spurting out as she opened her mouth wide in an effort to breathe. He had her head in both hands, her nose pressed against his belly, his cock blocking her throat. He pulled out quickly, letting go of her. Dee bent over, gasping and wheezing for a long minute before slowly straightening up, chest still heaving with effort. She had an odd expression in her eyes as she looked up at him: Wary, worried, and yet expectant, as if she was already wondering what he would do to her next, looking forward to finding out.
Sometimes your best plans just backfire. Rom was already getting his own grip on Red’s hair, sliding the head of his big cock along her cheek, towards her mouth, and Hub looked impatient for his turn at little Dee. He stepped away, zipping up, and went outside the barn. He wanted a smoke badly, and now. Behind him, he heard the wet, grunting noises start up again.
Jake was just outside the barn door, happily puffing at one of the fat cigars he liked. He gave Sam a wave and a grin as he came out.
“Got another one of those?” Sam asked him.
“Sure do.” Jake nodded. His leather jacket was hung on a nearby fencepost, and he fished another cigar out of a side pocket. He handed it to Sam, and offered a light. Sam took a long, deep drag on it and held it for a moment before letting it all out in a long, slow exhalation. He watched the smoke drift up and away. It looked ghostly in the moonlight. He took another drag.
“This’s been fun.” Jake offered, breaking the silence. “Glad I came along.”
Sam chuckled. “We ain’t done yet,” he said. “Still a few more games to play.”
“Yeah, I know.” Jake’s grin seemed to show every tooth in his head. “Good thing I had time to rest up for it.. Those’re two very pretty ladies.”
They fell silent again. Sam just didn’t feel like talking at the moment, and Jake didn’t usually have much to say anyway. After a little while, Hub came out looking for them.
“Hey, Hub,” Jake greeted him. “Wanna smoke?”
“Nah. Wouldn’t mind a beer though,” Hub replied. “Should’a thought to bring some.”
“Back of the van,” Sam said, tossing Hub the keys. “Put a cooler in there. Should still be pretty cold. How’re the girls?”
“You always plan ahead,” Hub laughed shortly as he caught the keys. “Got ‘em all secured like you said. Gagged ‘em too, for now.” Sam nodded once, and Hub went off to get the beer.
Claudia writhed around, trying to find any position where straw wasn’t poking into her. She was still handcuffed. Her mouth had been stuffed with rags and sealed with tape. She was lying on her back in one of the stalls. Her legs were held wide apart, coarse ropes tied around her ankles running to ringbolts screwed into the dark wood columns between the stalls. The ringbolts were about two feet up, so her legs were raised off of the ground. In the next stall over, she could hear Dianne struggling and grunting, trying to free herself. This was, almost, a part of THAT dream. In THAT dream, the men never needed to take much time to recharge for the next round of rapes. She closed her eyes, trying to relax. They would come to her, or to Dianne, when they were ready, and there wasn’t much either of them could do but wait for that time.
She inhaled deeply through her nose, picking out the rich, earthy scent of the barn, the faint sweetness of the fresh straw, underlying tones she guessed were old wood and old leather. After a moment, she raised her head to look down the length of her body, held open and accessible by the ropes. She hoped that the men wouldn’t take too long. She was so very, very ready that she was almost aching. When she closed her eyes and inhaled again, she caught the scent of her own musk. She tried to lie very still, and just wait. But it was so hard.
Red looked very, very good like that, too. It occurred to him that she’d look very, very good to him no matter what. She was just lying there as if she were asleep, but her breathing wasn’t the calm, slow respiration of sleep. He followed the lines and curves of her splayed and raised legs towards her cute little red-haired pussy, and knew he had waited long enough. He moved towards her so quietly that she didn’t even know he was there until he ran his hand slowly up her soft, soft inner thigh. When she felt his touch, she gave a startled, muffled yelp, her eyes flying open. When she saw it was him, he could have sworn she smiled at him despite the packing of the gag and the containing tape. Anyway, her eyes looked as if she was smiling, and she rotated her hips, slowly, seductively, as if in welcome. In response, he reached over and pinched one of those sensitive nipples. She squeaked behind the gag, and was still, watching him through eyes narrowed down to slits. He knelt between her legs and began to drop his pants. She watched him intently.
There was no need to check to see if she was ready. He could see and smell that she was. He gripped her by her hips, pulling her up and towards him, sliding her along on the straw. He used one hand to start himself into her, shifted both hands to her hips again. He gave her one slow smile before slamming himself all the way in, simultaneously yanking her towards him. She “Mmffed!” loudly at that first hard thrust, less loudly at the subsequent ones. He could feel her trying to wrap her long legs around him, watched her eyes roll up and her head begin to tilt back as he pounded her brutally, using all his strength.. She began to whine and moan, hips trying to match his rhythm until she finally just, to borrow a phrase, laid back and enjoyed it. She was still pretty noisy, grunting deeply with each impact, breathing noisily through her nose. When she began spasming around the shaft of his cock he knew she’d come. He’d wanted to hold back even then, make her come again if he could, but as she arched her back, seeking to impale herself even further on him, he felt the first surgings and knew it would be impossible. The sheer power of the orgasm made him groan aloud, and he almost swore he heard her laughing.
Some little time later, he realized that he was done, but still kneeling between those lovely legs. Her hips were moving in a long, slow ellipse, even though he was gripping them hard enough for her creamy-pink flesh to show white around his fingers. She was making low, crooning noises, and her eyes were peacefully closed. He got up slowly, feeling drained and worn out, used up. There was still one more thing he wanted to do with her tonight, something he’d pieced together out of the mumbled and slurred words of her dreaming. He’d have to pace himself.
Afloat in a warm, pinkish haze, Claudia heard Dianne in the next stall. It sounded as if she were enjoying at least parts of it, and wondered absently which of the men was working her over. She felt so good right now, in spite of her legs beginning to feel stiff and the ropes chafing at her ankles. None of it mattered at the moment, and she wanted to stretch the moment out as long as she could. One of her earliest fantasies had been having sex in a barn. THAT dream had been an outgrowth of that fantasy, and now here she was, naked and fettered in a barn, and she’d just had one of the most intense orgasms she could remember. She felt pleasantly limp and relaxed in its aftermath
There was a hand on her thigh. She opened her eyes and saw Rom grinning down at her. She would have smiled back, but the gag made that impossible. He moved between her raised and parted legs.
Rom was big. Bigger than Sam, or any of the others, and he took his own sweet time, his big hands clamped around her waist, holding her in place as he pumped her, slowly, thoroughly, maddeningly.
It was getting late. All too soon it would be time to take the women home. Well, back to the bungalow, an
yway. He’d miss Red. Tall and slender, the way he usually liked them, but something special too. Sam took one last puff at the second cigar he’d bummed off of Hub. For some reason, it wasn’t as good as that first one, same brand or not. He tossed the half-smoked butt down and ground it out under his boot heel.
Time for the grand finale. Between the beer and the breaks, they all ought to be ready now.
Claudia groaned with relief as the men untied the ropes holding her ankles from the ringbolts. Her legs now felt more than a little cramped, and she flexed them slowly, ignoring the men standing around her, feeling a faint pins-and-needles sensation as she did so. They hauled her to her feet roughly, Sam holding her by one arm, Rom by the other. She stumbled a bit as they took her out of the stall, the ropes around her ankles dragging through the straw behind her.
“Have a look at your partner, cop.” Sam ordered as they rounded a corner. Claudia looked, stopped, gulped. Dianne was still handcuffed, but a rope head been tied to the cuffs and thrown up over a beam. Dianne stood bent over, her arms pulled up behind her. She looked very uncomfortable, and Claudia hoped that they weren’t going to string HER up like that. Not that they were likely to ask her opinion if they meant to. Jake and the man whose name she’d never caught were standing by as Dianne kept shifting her feet, trying to find any position marginally less painful. Ropes were still tied to her ankles as well, but her legs were free to move.
“Keep lookin’,” Sam ordered again, giving her a little shake.
Jake stepped forward and began to ungag Dianne. As soon as the rags packing her mouth were removed, she began begging to be let down. “This hurts!” she complained. “C’mon, guys, please….”
In response, Jake took her by her hair, lifting her head up. Dianne winced, tried unsuccessfully to twist away. As she did, Rom let go of Claudia and went to stand behind Dianne, laying a hand on the small of her back, stroking her. “Get ready,” he said to her.
“What?” Dianne tried to look back at him, only to have her head jerked back by Jake, who was unzipping his pants inches from her nose. “Hey…now….” Dianne gulped. By then, Rom had half-dropped his own pants and was positioning himself with one hand while the other kept rubbing Dianne’s back. “Hey…guys…aaaaaah!” she exclaimed as Rom began to take her from behind. Claudia watched his long, thick cock sliding into Dianne and shivered. It went in all the way to the hilt. When Rom pulled back out, it was gleaming wetly in the lantern light. Then Jake began forcing himself into Dianne’s mouth. When Dianne resisted, whining in protest, Rom gave her upturned backside a resounding slap. The sharp report of it made Claudia jump. Dianne immediately opened her mouth wide for Jake. They began fucking her from both ends as she whimpered. But Claudia saw that Dianne’s eyes were closed, and her face didn’t look all that pained. Was this some fantasy of Dianne’s?
“Don’t make trouble, now.” Sam murmured into her ear. “Or we’ll string you up like that too.” Claudia looked at him wide-eyed. They’d shed the ski masks, but his face was as unreadable as if he’d left his on. His eyes were hungry, though, and cruel.
“You and me, cop,” he grinned wolfishly. “This way now.”
Still gripping her by her upper arm, he led her away from the scene, around a corner and into another stall. There was a bale of hay in the middle of the floor, with an old saddle thrown over it. Sam led her over to it, then made her kneel in front of it with a hard, strong hand clamped on her neck. She was more than a little worried now, unsure what he had in mind.
He pushed her forward until she was athwart the saddle, the worn leather smooth and warm against her belly. Then he slipped a noose around her neck, cinched it snug, and tied the free end of it off to a metal spike driven into the floor. That done, he went around behind her.
She couldn’t see what he was doing. When they’d freed her legs, they’d left the ropes around her ankles as they had with Dianne, and now she felt him pulling one of her legs off to the side with it. She “mmmfed” and “umpfed” through the gag, trying to tell him not to do that, but he ignored all the sounds she made and went on with what he was doing. In a few minutes, her legs were splayed wide and held in place, her toes scraping at the straw that covered the floor. The rope around her neck held her head down so that she couldn’t see anything.
Then there were hands on her hips, and she gasped. “You look real good like this.” Sam’s voice came from above and behind her. She struggled to look around at him, but only succeeded in nearly choking herself. He reached around and peeled the tape off of her mouth, then helped her spit out the rags. Her mouth felt dry, cottony. She heard Dianne squeal loudly as they did…something…to her.
His hands moved up either side of her back to her shoulders and clamped down there, holding her tightly. “Scream all you want,” he offered. “There ain’t another house for miles.”
He entered her slowly from behind, taking pleasure in the small noises she made as he did so. Her head was arched back as best she could, her eyes closed and her mouth gaping open. She’d said just enough in her sleep for him to be able to fill in the blanks with a bit of imagination. She was so ready for him that he was sure he’d filled those blanks in correctly. He pumped her slowly, for the lubrication he’d need. He could hear her breath, panting and ragged. From elsewhere in the barn he heard Dianne squeal again.
Time to make the move. He leaned over her, and whispered into her ear: “I want your ass, cop.”
She suddenly stiffened, tried to turn her head to look at him. “No….” she said in a weak voice. The one eye he could see was wide, frightened, her mouth open in a wide “O”.
“You can’t stop me,” he whispered into her ear.
He placed the head of his cock in position, despite her sudden frantic struggling. The ropes kept her from moving much at all, and the choke rope around her neck kept forcing her to stop just for breath. She was making desperate little noises, but nothing recognizable as words. He clamped his hands on her hips and began to push himself into her. A sudden film of sweat covered her, making his grip hard to maintain.
“Ah….ahhh…ah…ah…” she panted as he drove deeper in. She was tight, so tight it was apparent that in spite of the fantasy she’d never been taken like this. He tried to be careful not to tear her, but the first time always was a bit messy, no matter how careful you were. When he was about halfway in, she began to scream, great, lung-emptying noises. She jerked frantically at her bonds. He kept pushing himself deeper, and the screams slowly grew weaker, turning into sobbing gasps as he finally penetrated all the way in. He stayed like that for a moment, enjoying the tightness, the quivering spasms racking her. Still moving slowly, and with some care, he began pumping her. After a few slow strokes, she shuddered suddenly, moaned loudly, and went limp for a moment, breathing noisily and heavily. He thought at first she’d fainted, and stopped, but when he started up again she writhed and whined, and he knew that she’d probably had an orgasm instead. He’d only had that happen once before, and he grinned. She was something special, all right.
Everything was a reddish-pink tinged haze. What he was doing to her hurt….but the hurts faded into insignificance against the stuffed, impaled, FILLED feeling that blotted out so much. It was utterly new, and yet almost familiar, thanks to Dianne’s happy descriptions. Claudia was vaguely aware that she was drooling into the straw. Her throat was raw from her screams, and it was hard to swallow. He began to make small, short thrusting motions, and she felt that dark, roaring tide begin to engulf her again.
When she came the second time, her wild muscle spasms overcame his control. His fingernails dug into her flanks, and he threw back his head and groaned as he came deep inside her.
His own spasms subsided at last. He realized that she was whimpering, and that he was holding her more tightly than he’d intended. Relaxing his grip, he leaned over her again. He could see tears dripping from her chin, and brushed her hair back so he could see more of her face. Her eyes were shut,
her mouth trembling, open.
“You talk in your sleep, Red,” he whispered into her ear.
“Oh, God…,” she whimpered, gulped, gasped. “Oh, please….”
“Please what?” He asked.
“Please…,” she breathed.
She seemed to be in shock. He withdrew from her carefully, went around and loosened the rope holding her head down. She couldn’t or wouldn’t raise her head, so he raised it himself, one hand gripping her hair, the other cradling her chin. She opened green eyes brimming with tears, and looked at him blankly for a long moment. Then she seemed to recognize him, and she bent her head to lick at the hand on her chin. Once, twice, and then she looked into his eyes again. It was startling, coming from her, and he had one brief, dizzying moment when he realized that he could, just now at least, do anything at all he wanted with her or to her. Before he knew it, he was kissing her fiercely, still holding her head with both hands. Her mouth opened for him, her tongue fenced with his for a moment before yielding. She moaned, but did not struggle.